Every Day (2010 film)

2010 film by Richard Levine

Every Day is a 2010 comedy-drama film written and directed by Richard Levine and starring Liev Schreibe, w:Helen Hunt, Carla Gugino, Eddie Izzard, Ezra Miller, and Brian Dennehy.


Jonah: No one's gonna do anything. They have, like, a million chaperones.
Ned: I don't want you dancing with college kids. Period.
Jonah: Well, what are they gonna do, rape me?
Ned: Can we not talk about this right now?
Jonah: I'm not interested with being with someone who's older, I-- I just wanna dance with other people who are gay.
Ned: I think I'd rather talk about the smell of pee.
Jonah: Huh.


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