Energy system
set of systems that encompass the production, conversion, transmission, and distribution of electrical and heat energy
An energy system is a system primarily designed to supply energy-services to end-users.
edit- Developments in society influence the energy system in many ways, but the energy system also affects society.
- Kornelis Blok and Evert Nieuwlaar, Introduction to Energy Analysis (2nd ed., 2017), Chap. 1: Energy and society
- The way ahead is clear. We must repudiate the false promise of the Bush-Cheney energy plan and select the path of autonomy, self-restraint, and innovation. If we strengthen our resolve, accept a degree of self-discipline, and embrace the new technologies, we will escape the trap of dependency and establish a secure, sustainable, and responsible energy system; if we fail to do these things, we will condemn ourselves to rising bloodshed abroad and hardship at home. The choice is ours. The time of decision is now. It is not too late to abandon our allegiance to oil at any cost and embark on a new energy path. but it might soon be.
- Michael Klare, Blood and Oil