Doris Veillette

Quebec journalist (1935-2019)

Doris Veillette (July 6, 1935 – January 4, 2019) was a journalist, columnist and a feminist from Quebec.



Chronicle "Forbidden to men", 1970

  • Humanity has its weaknesses, and woman is perhaps the weakness of man!
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, April 10, 1970, page 11.
  • It's not men's places that women claim, but their own place in a modern society.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, Sept. 26, 1970, page 14.
  • If the young terrorists had a mother with a heart full of love, they would not think of making the revolution, but to build in this country that does not lack corners to exploit". Editor's note: Chronicle published in following the assassination of Quebec Minister Pierre Laporte.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, Oct 20, 1970, page 18.
  • Mom gives life in every way.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, October 1, 1970, page 12.
  • Women's participation is more than words to take action.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, 4 november 1970, page 39.
  • In this century of violent violence in all parts of the world, it is almost ridiculous to ask people to be thankful, but women must continue to teach their children to be thankful... saying to appreciate the smallest thing that comes from others for free.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, 9 November 1970, page 11.
  • The simplicity of the generous gesture can give a joy of living to those who need it so much.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, December 8, 1970, page 19.

Chronicle "Forbidden to men", 1971

  • You know that there is a time to do one thing and another time to enjoy it.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, January 4, 1971, page 18.
  • Every intelligent woman knows how to be free.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, January 5, 1971, page 11.
  • Smile to life this morning and be assured, ma'am, that this life will make you smile. The present belongs to the optimists.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, January 5, 1971, page 11.

Chronicle "Forbidden to men", 1972

  • The earth does not stop turning, because you are unhappy, as well swallowing your tears and smiling, even if the pain is still burning.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, January 8, 1972, page 11.
  • In education, there are almost no more immutable rules.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, January 27, 1972, page 25.
  • If moms know how to keep open the line that connects them to the friendship of their children, they will learn that today's young people are great!
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, January 27, 1972, page 25.
  • What joys are not felt by people who continually give their good mood...
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, February 8, 1972, page 13.
  • Why not celebrate parents and not separate the holidays from dads and moms?
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, February 8, 1972, page 26.
  • Man has never proved his strength by the goods he possesses, but rather by the generous help he can bring to society.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, June 10, 1972, page 19.

Chronicle "Forbidden to men", 1973

  • The woman, who does not imitate her mother and her grandmother as a mother and a good wife, can only rely on her own scale of values ​​to find a life ideal that is important to her happiness.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, March 24, 1973, page 17.
  • It is certain that in order to dialogue, one must, at the beginning, have an open mind.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, July 7, 1973, page 13.
  • This society so harsh, so inhuman, it is composed of you and me... What are we doing to help the other one?
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, December 8, 1973, page 19.
  • Funny time when most of the poor and disinherited parts of the world could live what the other party leaves on his plate ... And we continue to sing the joy, the peace, the love ... do we really believe?
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, December 22, 1973, page 37.

Chronicle "Forbidden to Men", 1974

  • We need succession in career women's clubs. The younger generation of women helps us to be more aware of how our world is changing.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, May 4, 1974, page 17.
  • Graduate studies are not only, today, the key golden men.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, Sept. 14, 1974, page 17.
  • Forget what hurt you, it's a recipe for youth, health and happiness ...
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, Sept. 21, 1974, page 25.
  • If children find life hard, they find that the family still has its good side.
    • Chronicle "Interdit aux hommes" (Forbidden to men), by Doris Veillette-Hamel, Journal Le Nouvelliste, Sep 28, 1974, page 13.
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