Dick Tracy (1990 film)

1990 film directed by Warren Beatty
(Redirected from Dick Tracy)

Dick Tracy is a 1990 film about the Dick Tracy comic strip character created by Chester Gould.

Directed by Warren Beatty. Written by Jim Cash and Joe Epps Jr.
I'm on my way! (taglines)

Dick Tracy

  • Tess, you're one in a million.
  • Take the bad men away. They scare me.

Big Boy Caprice

  • Because I have a vision. A big boss must have a vision. We gotta town with thousands of small stores and businesses. People are working real hard. I think they should be working real hard. For us. Because we are for the people. "And if you ain't for the people, you can't buy the people." Lincoln.
  • There was one Napoleon...one Washington...one me!
  • All right, that is enough! I want them dead, both of them. I want this No Face dead and I want Tracy dead. What's the matter, you bums forgot how to kill people? Doesn't your work mean anything to you anymore? Have you no sense of pride in what you do? No sense of DUTY, no sense of DESTINY? I'm looking for generals; what do I got? Foot soldiers! I WANT DICK TRACY DEAD!!!
  • Don't move! Not if you want to stay alive. A woman, a woman, a woman! I've been humiliated by a woman. The way I see it—and Plato agrees with me—is that there is what is, and then there is what we would like it to be. But that's not important. What's important is the future; it's planning ahead. "A man without a plan is not a man." Nietzsche. Wait a minute. Wait. I'm having a thought. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. I'm gonna have a thought. It's coming. It's gone. We must rise above the tide, take that journey, that journey into that faraway land...a land that just waits. It waits by the track where the train of destiny must run... run into the future, breaking the shackles of the past. Forget the past. Forget the past. Our limitations are our shackles. Put them behind you forever. Put them behind you forever, Tess. Can't you see I love you?

Breathless Mahoney

  • I know how you feel. You don't know if you want to hit me or kiss me. I get a lot of that.
  • Aren't you gonna frisk me?
  • [last words] You were right, Tracy. I couldn't pull the trigger. [Dick Tracy: It was a good plan, Breathless. You almost pulled it off. The city would've been yours.] Yeah. You were my only mistake. Tell me the truth. Could it ever have happened between us? [she gives Dick Tracy one last kiss before succumbing to her wounds and dying]


  • Flattop: I guess that's the end of Dick!
  • Itchy: Yeah! Thirty seconds, no more Dick! Thirty seconds, no more Dick! Thirty seconds, no more Dick!
  • Kid / Dick Tracy Jr.: When do we eat?
  • Mrs. Trueheart: You have to understand Tess, that Dick Tracy is a hard man on himself. He could get elected President of the United States and complain that he was relegated to a desk job.
  • Flattop: [shooting a wall with a machine gun]: EAT LEAD TRACY.


[Wheelhouse of drawbridge. Big Boy has forced Lips Manlis into a steel box and is pouring wet concrete into it]
Big Boy Caprice: Oh look Lips, you dirtied your pretty tuxedo. Looks like you need a bath!
Lips Manlis: The "Bath"?! Not "the bath", Big Boy, not "the bath"!
Big Boy Caprice: It was great working for you but now it is time to retire.
Lips Manlis: Ain't we pals, Big Boy? Ain't we pals?
Big Boy Caprice: There are no pals in this business, Lips, you taught me that! I hate to do this, and I'm gonna miss you, but all is fair in love and business - Benjamin Franklin.
[Big Boy's hoods seal box and open trap door]
Lips Manlis: NO!
[They drop the crate into the water below]
Big Boy Caprice: All right, put the word out! Lips' territory is my territory now. Anyone who was working for him, is working for me. Everything he owns, I own!

Big Boy Caprice: Around me, if a woman don't wear mink, she don't wear nothin'.
Breathless Mahoney: Well, I look good both ways.

Kid: I don't like dames.
Tess: Good. Me neither.

Breathless Mahoney: Thanks for calling. I was beginning to wonder what a girl had to do to get arrested.
Dick: Wearing that dress is a step in the right direction.
Breathless: Are you going to make a move or do I have to do everything?
Dick: I'm on duty.
Breathless: When's your day off?
Dick: Sunday.
Breathless: It's a big world. It must be Sunday somewhere.

[Tracy residence. Knock on door]
Dick Tracy: Who is it?
Offstage voice: Mr. Tracy, this is Mrs. Snide from the orphanage. We need to speak to you about the runaway you have been harboring.
Dick Tracy: I did not hear anything from the orphanage about this.
[Tracy opens door to be greeted by Shoulders, Flattop and Itchy, who are ready to pounce on him]

88 Keys: The girls are tired. We've been going all night. It's 2 a.m.
Big Boy Caprice: It's 2 a.m.? I'm about to turn this dump into the best place of a new era in entertainment, you're telling me it's 2 a.m.?
[smashes 88 Keys' the lid of the piano on 88 Keys' fingers]
Big Boy Caprice: PLAY THE PIANO!
Breathless Mahoney: Hey! That was a silly thing to do. He's the best piano player in town.
Big Boy Caprice: Shut up! Come here. Next time, I take his fingers and I turn them into pretzels. I just might do the same thing to your face.
[He slaps her. Terrified, 88 Keys starts playing again]
Big Boy Caprice: See? He's playing better already.

Dick Tracy: Is the enemy of my enemy my friend, or the enemy of my friend my enemy?
Pat Patton: What?
Dick Tracy: Or enemy of my enemy my enemy?
Pat Patton: What'd he say?
Dick Tracy: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.
Sam Catchem: He said the enemy of his enemy is his enemy.
Pat Patton: Oh.

Dick Tracy: Mumbles, do you care to go over that again?
Ceramic bear that pours water, Tracy removes head to reveal a hidden tape recorder
Recorder: Rigwoydidit...rewinds...Wig woy idit...rewinds again...Big Boy did it.
[Tracy departs interrogation room]
Mumbles: W-w-wait!
Tracy turns around
Mumbles: 88 Keys, the piano man, set you up. Big Boy paid him to get you out of the way.

[Tracy gets a call]
Tess Trueheart: Well, what are you waitin' for? A nice, safe desk?
Dick Tracy: Tess? [tosses her a wedding ring] You're one in a million.
Kid: This is amazing, Tracy! What are you waitin' for? Come on, let's go! Come on, Metropolitan Bank! Come on, step on it! You know somethin', Tracy? I kind of like that dame.


  • I'm on my way!
  • When do we eat?


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