Dhoruba al-Mujahid bin Wahad

writer and activist, who is a former Black Panther leader, and co-founder of the Black Liberation Army

Dhoruba al-Mujahid bin Wahad (born Richard Earl Moore; 1944) is an American writer, activist, former political prisoner, Black Panther Party leader, and co-founder of the Black Liberation Army.


  • “Anti-terrorism” substitutes itself for “anticommunism.” Anti-terrorism substitutes itself for blatant racism. It’s no longer chic to say that you should hang black folks by a tree and lynch them, so what you do is you declare them terrorists and you shoot ’em in the head. That’s the significance, in a nutshell, of how terrorism is replacing certain catchwords in the United States.
    • in Warfare in the American Homeland: Policing and Prison in a Penal Democracy (Duke University Press: 2007), p. 92
  • I know there are scores of born again Negroes out there who don't believe that the nation-state of America is their enemy, (a faith they must have if they are to attach any meaning to their life), but history and recent events emphatically substantiate the racist character and morality of America.
    • "The Ethics of Black Atonement in Racist America," Freedom Archives Anti-Imperialist News, December 15, 2005