David Hartley (philosopher)

British philosopher

David Hartley (8 August 170528 August 1757) was an English philosopher and founder of the Associationist school of psychology.

David Hartley


  • We seem to be in the place of God to them, to be his vice-regents, and empowered to receive homage from them in his name. And we are obliged, by the same tenure, to be their guardians and benefactors.
  • With respect to animal diet, let it be considered, that taking away the lives of animals, in order to convert them into food, does great violence to the principles of benevolence and compassion. This appears from the frequent hard-heartedness and cruelty found amongst those persons whose occupations engage them in destroying animal life, as well as from the uneasiness which others feel in beholding the butchery of animals.
    • Observations on Man (1749; 6th edition, 1834), Part II, Chapter III, Section II.
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