D.O.A. (1950 film)

1950 film by Rudolph Maté

D.O.A. is a 1950 American film noir about a businessman who is told he's been poisoned and has only a few days to live, and tries to find out who killed him and why.

Edmond O'Brien as Frank Bigelow.
Pamela Britton as Paula Gibson.
Laurette Luez as Marla Rakubian and Luther Adler as Majak.
Directed by Rudolph Maté. Written by Russell Rouse and Clarence Greene, based on the play Der Mann, der seinen Mörder sucht by Ernst Neubach.
A picture as excitingly different as its title!

Frank Bigelow

Do you realize what you're saying? You're telling me that I'm dead!
  • [After being told his grim prognosis] Do you realize what you're saying? You're telling me that I'm dead!
  • You knew who I was when I came here today. But you were surprised to see me alive, weren't you? But I'm not alive, Mrs. Philips. Sure, I can stand here and talk to you. I can breathe and I can move. But I'm not alive. Because I did take that poison, and nothing can save me.
  • But you don't know what it can do to two people, Paula, and the woman always gets hurt more than the man.

Paula Gibson

  • I told him I was your confidential secretary, but I guess I didn't sound confidential enough.
  • Maybe you do need this week away alone. Maybe we both do. I know what's going on inside of you, Frank. You're just like any other man, only a little more so. You have a feeling of being trapped, hemmed in, and you don't know whether or not you like it.


  • Majak: He's not afraid. You can tell from a man's eyes when he is afraid. Look at his eyes.
  • Chester: That's the way I wanna see you go, Bigelow... nice and slow.


Homicide Detective: Can I help you?
Frank Bigelow: I'd like to see the man in charge.
Detective: In here...
Frank Bigelow: I want to report a murder.
Homicide Captain: Sit down. Where was this murder committed?
Frank Bigelow: San Francisco, last night.
Captain: Who was murdered?
Frank Bigelow: I was.

Frank Bigelow: Give it to me straight, doctor!
Dr. MacDonald: Well, a number of things are involved, the systemic condition of the individual, the amount consumed...
Frank Bigelow: Yes?
Dr. MacDonald: You won't feel too badly for a while. Then it will happen suddenly. A day, two days... a week at the most.
Frank Bigelow: [in a daze] A day... Two days...
Dr. MacDonald: There's nothing that can be done now. If it had been caught in time, your stomach could have been washed out. But you've had it in you for some time now... for at least twelve hours, haven't you, Bigelow?
Frank Bigelow: I don't know.
Dr. MacDonald: [surprised] You don't know?
Frank Bigelow: No!
Dr. MacDonald: Don't you know how you got it?
Frank Bigelow: No!
Dr. MacDonald: Then this is no accident. Somebody knew how to handle that stuff. That wax is tasteless and odorless, and the amount of alcohol in your body, you must have got it in liquor.
Frank Bigelow: I was drinking last night.
Dr. MacDonald: I'll arrange for your admission to the hospital immediately. Of course, I'll have to notify the police. This is a case for Homicide.
Frank Bigelow: Homicide?
Dr. MacDonald: I don't think you fully understand, Bigelow. You've been murdered.

Frank Bigelow: Forget the bills. You know that coat you want? Get it.
Paula Gibson: You are drunk.

Paula Gibson: Frank, I don't know how to say this.
Frank Bigelow: Say what?
Paula Gibson: Well, what I want to say is that there's nothing you can do that you ever have to feel guilty about.

Frank Bigelow: Who's the blonde?
Eddie: Oh she's one of the chicks that hang around here; she's jive crazy.

Frank Bigelow: [about Reynolds] You're mighty careful about the picture of a man you haven't heard from in months. [about a signature on the photo] What does the 'Ray' stand for?
Marla Rakubian: It was a pet name. Do you mind?
Frank Bigelow: It all sounds very cozy, Miss Rakubian. You and Reynolds call each other pet names while you make a sucker out of Philips.
Marla Rakubian: Philips made the deal because he wanted it.
Frank Bigelow: Yeah, I'll bet you weren't above using what it takes to make him want it. Who's paying for this trip?
Marla Rakubian: I am.
Frank Bigelow: Really? A first class trip to Buenos Aires on a model's salary? Don't make me laugh. Since you and Reynolds won't be seeing each other anymore, you don't mind if I keep this, do you?
[He folds the photo and puts it in his inside suit pocket]
Marla Rakubian: If I were a man, I'd punch your dirty face in.
Frank Bigelow: You know I really believe you would.

[After Bigelow dies]
Deputy: How shall I make out the report on him, Captain?
Captain: Better make it dead on arrival.


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