Comtessa de Dia

female troubadour (fl. c. 1175 or c. 1212)

The Comtessa de Dia ('Countess of Die', possibly named Beatritz or Isoarda; fl. c. 1175 or c. 1212), was a trobairitz to whom five extant works are attributed. She is associated with the circle of poets composed of Raimbaut d'Aurenga, Bernart de Ventadorn, and Azalais de Porcairagues.


  • A chantar m'er de so qu'ieu no volria,
    Tant me rancur de sel cui sui amia;
    Quar ieu l'am mais que nulha res que sia;
    Vas lui no m val merces ni cortezia
    Ni ma beutatz, ni mos pretz, ni mos sens;
    Qu'en aissi m sui enganada e trahia,
    Cum s'ieu agues vas lui fag falhimens.
    • I sing of one I would not sing,
        Such anguish from my love hath sprung;
      I love him more than earthly thing;
        But beauty, wit, or pleadings, wrung
      From my heart's depth, can gain for me
      Nor gratitude nor courtesy;
      And I am left, deceived, betray'd,
      Of him, like frail or faithless maid.
    • A chantar m'er de so qu'ieu non volria, st. 1, translated from the Occitan by Edgar Taylor, Lays of the Minnesingers and Troubadours (1825), p. 217
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