Closet Land

1991 film by Radha Bharadwaj

Closet Land is a 1991 independent film about a children's book writer who is interrogated by a sadistic secret policeman under suspicion of embedding anti-government messages in her stories.

Written and directed by Radha Bharadwaj.
No one can harm you in your imagination. (taglines)


  • You would do well to depersonalize what follows.
  • Your best hope would be to de-personalize what follows and not to look upon me as a foe or yourself as a victim. Remember, we are both seekers of truth, and in this quest, I am your friend, philosopher, and guide.
  • I don't like all this you know. I tell myself it's just a job and then in my dreams these words float by: Because thou hast the power and ownst the grace to see through and behind this mask of me, against which the years have beat thus blenchingly with their rains, and behold my soul's true face." It seems so long ago. My soul's true face.


  • Ninety-nine point ten percent of women who wear black underwear are closet whores.
  • Sign the confession, or suck my dick! Which ever you please, you tease!


  • You can break my body, but you can not break my mind!
  • [trying to stay awake] Pain will only strengthen my will. You can break my body, but you can't break my mind. Torture is the policy of tyrants. Resistance is my only weapon.
  • What made you this way? Is it what they did to you? Or is it some hidden sickness, an inner decay?


Victim: Your aim is to debase and humiliate a human being, there is no justification for cruelty.
Interrogator: Our aim is to rid society of negative influences. The end justifies the use of certain unorthodox means.
Victim: [repeats] Your aim is to debase and humiliate a being, there is no justification for cruelty.
Interrogator: Our aim is to rid society of negative influences.
[both continue to repeat their lines simultaneously]
Victim: ...There is no justification for cruelty, there is no justification for cruelty. [shouts] There is no justification!
Interrogator: Our aim is to rid society of negative influences... There is no justification for cruelty of any kind.
[stops, aghast, looks up]


  • No one can harm you in your imagination.


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