Clarence (American TV Series)
American animated television series
Clarence is an Cartoon Network series premiered from April 14, 2014 to June 24, 2018. it features Clarence with Two best friends Sumo and Jeff as they explore Aberdale like Water balloon fights, playing on playgrounds and more stuff!
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Season 1
editFun Dungeon Face-Off [1.1]
edit- Jeff: This is what you get, Clarence. [he raises his foot at him] This is what happens when you eat another man's fries!
- Clarence: Jeff, wait! [Jeff puts his foot on Clarence's face] I didn't! They're right here! [he pulls Jeff's fries out of his back pocket] They were here the whole time!
- Jeff: [Jeff takes his foot off of Clarence's face.] Huh?
- Clarence: Here take them! [Clarence throws the fries, but they fall and slide down] Oh no! [Jeff looks surprised, then inhales.]
- Jeff: Clarence, listen. I... I have my own complex reasons for things. Things you could never understand. [He motions to the left] Reasons for people not to touch my fries. [He motions to the right] Reasons I never go into fun spaces.
- Clarence: Well, how'd you get up here?
- [A view of the outside fun dungeon is seen with Blaide running in the fun dungeon, Courtlin going down a slide and more children playing and screaming. The frame turns back to Jeff]
- Jeff: Oh... yeah... well, um...
- [Clarence slips and nearly falls down the slide until Jeff grabs him by his ankle]
- Clarence: You're not gonna let me die?
- Jeff: If you die, I... die, too. [His hand slips and he slides down with Clarence]
- Clarence: Whoa! Whoa! Oh...
- [they both slide down with a dazed look on their faces and their hair messy. They are greeted with Sumo eating the fries that fell down the slide earlier. Jeff starts laughing. Clarence joins him]
- Jeff: Heh... Ah hahaha.
- Clarence: Heh heh heh heh. [He playfully punches Jeff's shoulder]
- Jeff: Ow! [He smiles and pushes Clarence off of the slide. Sumo continues to eat the fries]
A Pretty Great Day with a Girl [1.2]
edit- Clarence: [riding with Amy on her bike] Hi, Mrs. Baker.
- Mrs. Baker: [Screams] Hi, Clarence.
- [Chad is at the arcade]
- Clarence: Chad! Chad! Chad!
- Chad: Clarence! Clarence! Clarence!
- Amy: Wow.