Cinderella II: Dreams Come True

2002 film by Darrell Rooney

Cinderella II: Dreams Come True is the first American-French direct-to-video sequel based on Walt Disney's Cinderella. It was released in 2002.

The Magic Didn't End At Midnight!


[First lines]
Jaq: Come on, Gus-Gus. Faster!
Gus: What's the hurry, Jaq-Jaq? What's the hurry?
Jaq: Fairy Godmother's here. She's gonna read us the Cinderelly story.

Cinderella: I still can't believe I'm going to live in a castle. Are you sure this isn't just a dream?
Prince Charming: You're a princess now. [kisses Cinderella's hand] Princess Cinderella.

Beatrice: [teaching Cinderella how to be a princess] Dukes and viscounts sit nearest the king...unless there is a marquis present.
Cinderella: Wouldn't it be nice if people could just sit wherever they like?
Beatrice: No. You must never seat a duke...above a marquis or below a baron.
Daphne: Which color is correct, Your Highness? Cream or ecru?
Cinderella: Um, ecru?
Prudence: Goodness, no. Cream.

Prudence: [shows Cinderella the food for the royal banquet] At the banquet, as always...the royal menu shall consist of the rarest roast beef...French onion soup, tarragon mashed potatoes, freshly baked baguettes...the finest truffles in the kingdom and, for dessert... [Beatrice and Daphne removes the lid to reveal prunes] Norwegian stewed prunes.
Cinderella: Prunes? For dessert?
Prudence: The king expects it. It is a tradition that is never broken. Besides, I like them.

Cinderella: I was a dish maid when the prince married me. And he loves me because I'm me.

Prince Charming: I'm glad you do things your own way.
Cinderella: Someday I'll get this princess thing right.
Prince Charming: I think that day is today.
[They both go for a kiss]

The King: [on a fairest wheel] I can see my castle!

[During An Uncommon Romance, Lady Tremaine talks to her daughters]
Lady Tremaine: Cinderella's ball is tomorrow night, so pay attention! Every noble bachelor in the kingdom will be there. If you want to find a husband, you have to make the most of this opportunity. I won't let you fail me...again.
Drizella and Anastasia: Yes, Mother.
Lady Tremaine: Drizella, pin back those curls. Anastasia, put more color in your cheeks! A perfect appearance is the only attract a proper gentleman. We shall find you men of wealth and nobility.

Anastasia: [to Cinderella] Oh, thank you! I never dreamed I could be this happy.
Cinderella: You see? Dreams do come true.

[Last lines]
Cinderella: Oh, look! We're all in here, and these our stories. [reads aloud from book] "Once upon a time, there was a big castle, and in this castle lived a prince and a princess..."

