Chicago Med/Season 1

season of television series
Seasons: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | Main

Chicago Med (2015-) is an American medical drama television series.

Derailed [1.1]

Dr. Connor Rhodes: Is every day like this?
Sharon Goodwin: Some days, we're busy.

Sharon Goodwin: [contemplating whether to allow a patient to operated on] I guarantee if we perform this operation, regardless of the outcome, we'll be sued, and they'll likely win, and millions.
Dr. Will Halstead: And that's how we make our decisions? By how much it's gonna cost us?
Sharon Goodwin: All right, get off the high horse, Dr. Halstead.
Dr. Will Halstead: How about we call the Ethics Committee?
Sharon Goodwin: Be faster to call a judge, but I'm not gonna burn a favor on this.

Dr. Connor Rhodes: [observes Sarah Reese putting a central line into a dummy] I can't tell you how many times I missed before I finally got it.
Sarah Reese: I know how to do it. I just couldn't do it in there.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: It takes practice, that's all.
Sarah Reese: I'm fine with him. I never miss.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Yeah, he's the ideal patient. You can't hurt him, and his life's not hanging in the balance.
Sarah Reese: If this rotation weren't a requirement, I wouldn't be here.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Where would you be?
Sarah Reese: I'm a lab person.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Pathology?
Sarah Reese: Maybe.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Every med student, once they start dealing with patients, thinks they'd do better in Pathology. I did.

Peter Kalmick: So much easier to run a hospital without doctors.

iNO [1.2]

Dr. Czerny: What's the difference between God and a doctor?
[Will shrugs]
Dr. Czerny: God knows he's not a doctor.

Dr. Daniel Charles: You were in the, uh, what, the navy, right?
Dr. Ethan Choi: Still am. Naval Reserves.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Doc I did my residency with was on away leave from the Navy. Tough as hell practicing psychiatry with you guys. Couldn't get anybody to open up.
Dr. Ethan Choi: Could be a sign of weakness.

Dr. Daniel Charles: Sometimes, when somebody that we love gets sick, very easy to lose sight of the person and see only the disease. Remembering that our loved one is still there? Not always easy.

Fallback [1.3]

Dr. Sam Zanetti: Your father, is he as big a tube steak as he seems?
Dr. Connor Rhodes: That he is.
Dr. Sam Zanetti: You leave him out there, Rhodes. Don't bring him in here.

Dr. Will Halstead: I don't believe this. I... I miss something with one patient, and it's too late to fix it, then I catch something like this early on, and I still can't fix it. Nat, the medicine is clear. The patient should not be making this decision. I should.
Dr. Natalie Manning: So you became a doctor to tell people what to do?
Dr. Will Halstead: I became a doctor to save people's lives. It's all I've ever wanted to do. I don't have a fallback plan or some hidden passion. This is it for me. It's just... no one ever told me there'd be this much loss involved.

Dr. Connor Rhodes: Look, I wish I had more to tell you. Russell's on his way to CAT scan right now, so we can figure out what's injured. We think that it has something to do with the subclavian artery.
Claire Rhodes: English?
Dr. Connor Rhodes: The one that supplies blood to the arm. He's gonna need an operation. We have to remove the glass and...
Claire Rhodes: You haven't removed the glass?
Dr. Connor Rhodes: It's actually keeping him from bleeding to death. We are trying to get good imaging so that when we operate, we're not going in blind.
Claire Rhodes: So get it.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Is this how it's gonna be?
Claire Rhodes: What did you expect?
Dr. Connor Rhodes: I had to leave, okay? The way things were with dad, there was no...
Claire Rhodes: Right, you left him, Connor, but you left me, too. Just go take care of Russell.

Dr. Daniel Charles: That's your dad?
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Yep.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Fathers like that keep me in business, baby.

Cornelius Rhodes: I'm not sure you're aware, but Connor knows Russell Rollins, and it just didn't seem appropriate to me that my son be the one treating him.
Sharon Goodwin: Well, the degree of familiarity doesn't warrant taking Dr. Rhodes off the case, and Mr. Rollins, when he was lucid, did not request another physician.
Cornelius Rhodes: Let me put it another way. I would like Russell to receive the very best medical care, and I do not think my son can provide that.
Sharon Goodwin: Your son is a first-rate surgeon. Otherwise, I would not have hired him.
Cornelius Rhodes: I want him off the case.
Sharon Goodwin: It's not your decision to make, sir.
Cornelius Rhodes: Excuse me, but I'm the one writing checks here.
Sharon Goodwin: And while we appreciate that, this is my shop, and I will not be pulling Dr. Rhodes from the case.
Cornelius Rhodes: I want you to remember this conversation, because if anything happens to Russell, you will be repeating it in a courtroom.

Mistaken [1.4]

Nurse April Sexton: Shooting in a movie theater. Mass casualties. About to get crazy. EMT four minutes out.
Dr. Will Halstead: [ambulances roll up] Check that, they're here.

Dr. Connor Rhodes: Is it true? Lucy Simms' liver is on its way back to the hospital?
Sharon Goodwin: The intended recipient died in pre-op.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Peter is an HLA match. It can go to him.
Sharon Goodwin: Yeah, there are names ahead of him on the list.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: None of them are in this hospital. It has already been three hours; livers are viable for less than twelve. By the time the list gets sorted out, the... the patient prepped, organ shipped, it may be too late. Lucy's husband can direct donate to whomever he chooses. Ask him to give it to Peter.
Sharon Goodwin: You're talking about the man responsible for his wife's death.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: And he has done a horribly stupid thing, I know, but he's a kid. Peter deserves a chance to turn his life around.

Nurse April Sexton: Something doesn't make sense.
Sharon Goodwin: What's that?
Nurse April Sexton: Shooting in a movie theater, and we've only had one GSW, and that was the shooter. Where are the rest of the gunshot victims?

Dr. Will Halstead: Another maniac going crazy in a theater. This the world we live in?

Malignant [1.5]

Sharon Goodwin: Have you been binging on Mannix again?
Dr. Daniel Charles: You don't like it, stop sending me box sets for Christmas.

Bound [1.6]

Sarah Reese: I got Parker's test results back.
Dr. Natalie Manning: And?
Sarah Reese: You need to take a look. Here.
Dr. Natalie Manning: CT negative. We need to order...
Sarah Reese: An MRI, I know. I already did it. It shows excessive demyelination.
Dr. Natalie Manning: Explains the clumsiness, degeneration of motor skills...
Sarah Reese: And the seizure. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I'm pretty sure he has...
Dr. Natalie Manning: Krabbe disease.
Sarah Reese: Yeah. He's eight, so it's late-onset.
Dr. Natalie Manning: Gives him five to seven years before he becomes confined to a bed and completely vegetative. [sighs] Poor kid.
Sarah Reese: What do you want to do?
Dr. Natalie Manning: Well, I've got to go talk to the par...
Sarah Reese: Dr. Manning? You okay?
Dr. Natalie Manning: No. I think my water just broke.
[looks down at the floor and sees a huge puddle forming from her legs]
Dr. Natalie Manning: Oh my God. It did. I guess this is happening today.
Sarah Reese: Uh, can we get a wheelchair over here?
Dr. Natalie Manning: Look, I'm sorry, Sarah, but you have to go tell the parents.
Sarah Reese: What, me? No, I can't...
Dr. Natalie Manning: You have to.
Sarah Reese: I don't have the experience.
Dr. Natalie Manning: Go get Dr. Charles. He will help you. I have to go have this baby now.
[sits down in a wheelchair]
Dr. Natalie Manning: Thank you.
Sarah Reese: [nervously] Okay.

Saints [1.7]


Reunion [1.8]

Dr. Connor Rhodes: You look a little lost.
Sarah Reese: I'm not sure what's going on with my patient. Her labs are inconsistent with how she presents.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Whenever I get confused, I always go back to the history and the physical. It's the best place to find answers.

Choices [1.9]


Clarity [1.10]

Dr. David Downey: Mr. Mosconi's gas exchange is good. We'll rest him overnight, hopefully extubate him in the morning.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: I thought maybe you'd be at home resting after that episode in the OR.
Dr. David Downey: Episode?
Dr. Connor Rhodes: You didn't need me to take over.
Dr. David Downey: I've usually found, Dr. Rhodes, that when given responsibility, people rise to the occasion. I know the last few weeks have been... challenging, and I'd be lying if I said the months to come will be any easier. I have an impossible amount to teach you in a diminishing amount of time. You don't have to show me how smart you are, and you don't have to please me. Just learn.

Dr. Ethan Choi: [after Reese caught the brunt of a collapsing patient] Anything hurt?
Sarah Reese: Not really. Gonna be stiff tomorrow, though, aren't I?
Dr. Ethan Choi: Yeah, but pain builds character.
Sarah Reese: According to who, exactly?
Dr. Ethan Choi: Bret still needs an LP. You good?
Sarah Reese: Uh... fourth period, bottom of the ninth... put me back in, coach.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Butchered hockey, football, and baseball in one sentence. Impressive.

Dr. Ethan Choi: Got a patient, seventeen year old hockey player.
Dr. Daniel Charles: I heard. Bret "Bear" Cooper. Dad was a heavy. Hear the kid's even better.
Dr. Ethan Choi: Wouldn't have taken you for a jock.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Oh, come on. Sport's the oldest form of group therapy. We yell, we scream, testosterone spikes. Every now and then, we even get to believe in a miracle.

Dr. Ethan Choi: I've been talking to Dr. Charles, the hospital psychiatrist. Shared some things about my service, tough things.
Dr. Vicki Glass: You don't have to explain.
Dr. Ethan Choi: I know. I thought if I didn't think about it or talk about it I'm here. [pauses] My dad was Navy.
Dr. Vicki Glass: That why you enlisted?
Dr. Ethan Choi: It just always seemed like that was what I was gonna do.
Dr. Vicki Glass: There's a room full of kids in there who are gonna ask you about your service. What are you gonna tell 'em?
Dr. Ethan Choi: That I'd do it again.

Intervention [1.11]

Dr. Daniel Charles: I haven't seen you in a while.
Dr. Ron Unger: Oh, it'd be more often if you'd show up at poker now and again.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Maybe I'd show up more often if you didn't keep taking my money.
Dr. Ron Unger: Yeah, I'd stop taking your money if you didn't touch your chin whenever you bluffed.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Wait. I have a tell? Really?

Dr. Natalie Manning: Maybe we should talk about that kiss.
Dr. Will Halstead: You asked why I treat you so badly; why I say things I wouldn't say to anybody else. I'm like a little kid with a crush on a girl, so what does he do? He pulls her pigtails.

Dr. Ethan Choi: I got a patient who wants his LVAD removed. He got what he wanted. [deep breath] Now his dead.
Dr. Daniel Charles: [having had to witness a colleague's termination for medical misconduct] Huh. I guess I took out an LVAD myself today.
Dr. Ethan Choi: How do we ever know what we're doing is right?
Dr. Daniel Charles: It's tricky. The first part of Hippocratic oath is clear, right? "Do no harm." Then it goes on to say, "I'will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science." So it's tricky.
Dr. Ethan Choi: It ever get any easier?
Dr. Daniel Charles: Hope so.

Guilty [1.12]

Dr. Daniel Charles: You're one hell of a performer. I mean, a real trouper. Keeping it up for so long, selling this idea you think who you need to be all the time, carring around the weight of that performance...isn't it tiring? Aren't you exhausted?
Patient: I have absolutely no excuse to be sad.
Dr. Daniel Charles: You don't need a excuse, man. You're a human being.

Us [1.13]

Sarah Reese: Stop trying to calm me down. You're not good at it.
Joey Thomas: I'm just saying there's no reason to be nervous.
Sarah Reese: Joey, it's match day. They're gonna hand me a piece of paper telling me where I'm doing my residency.
Joey Thomas: I understand.
Sarah Reese: It's literally the turning point in my life, both the world's assessment of my past and a map of my future. It's my whole life.
Joey Thomas: That's an awfully dramatic way to put it.
Sarah Reese: That's because you're not good at calming me down.

Dr. Will Halstead: We lost a patient this morning, Lisa Patrick. Her husband wants to harvest her eggs. Do we have a protocol for that?
Sharon Goodwin: We do. Ms. Patrick will have to be on life support for two weeks for hormone stimulation therapy, followed by the retrieval itself. It's an expensive and complicated procedure.
Dr. Will Halstead: Well, he seems pretty committed. He says his wife really wanted to have a child.
Sharon Goodwin: Well, I imagine she meant she wanted a child she could mother and raise. This... this is a little different.
Maggie Lockwood: A lot different.
Sharon Goodwin: I'll call gynecology and get the process started.
Dr. Will Halstead: Thank you.

Patient: Nurse? Nurse? Hey, nurse!
Sarah Reese: Are you talking to me?
Patient: Hello? Been here for two hours with snot pouring out my nose.
Sarah Reese: I'm sorry, but we need to see patients in order of urgency.
Patient: And I'm dying of a sinus infection. Maybe if you got off that iPad and did a little work, things would go faster.
Sarah Reese: Maybe you just need to wait your turn. And I'm not a nurse.
Dr. Choi: Handled like a true pathologist.
Sarah Reese: I know, I'm sorry.
Dr. Ethan Choi: My match day, I threw up six times and passed out, so I'd say you're doing fine.
Sarah Reese: You did not throw up and pass out.
Dr. Ethan Choi: Wanted to, though.
Sarah Reese: Was emergency medicine your first choice?
Dr. Ethan Choi: My only choice. All I ever wanted to do.
Sarah Reese: [referring to an obnoxious patient] Even though it comes with a lifetime supply of angry snot guys?
Dr. Ethan Choi: Has its downsides. Then again, how many jobs are there where you literally get to save lives?

Dr. Daniel Charles: [describing a patient with body integrity identity disorder] These people believe that one of their limbs, part of their body, is not their own. His sense of self does not extend to the fingers on his left arm. It stops at the elbow.
Dr. Ethan Choi: [bemused] Sorry, it sounds a little out there to me.
Dr. Daniel Charles: I mean, who are any of us to say where we end, right? Or begin. Physicists will tell you there's no physical self at all, right? Just waves of energy. A mystics will say that we're one big soup.
Dr. Ethan Choi: I'm not a physicist or a mystic, I'm a doc who spent his career treating wounded soldiers who begged me "Save my leg", "Save my arm". You don't think I should commit this guy?

Dr. Will Halstead: Jay, she was on a placebo. They never knew. It was all for nothing.
Jay Halstead: No, you cared. I think, if we care, then whatever happens, it's for something. We might not see the effect, but It goes out there and it circulates around. It makes us all better, you know?
Dr. Will Halstead: My brother, cop and philosopher.
Jay Halstead: [smiles] You've got to think big picture.

Hearts [1.14]

[Dr. Charles finds a 10-year old boy named Griffin in a bloody but vacant hospital ward room after picking up a bloodied clothing button.]
Griffin: I'm not in trouble am I?
Dr. Daniel Charles: Noooo - you know what, let's - Let's find Mom and Dad, it's a very scary place.
Griffin: [looks back at the blood on the floor] I'm not scared.
Dr. Daniel Charles: No?
Griffin: I want to be a doctor.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Really? Why's that?
Griffin: [mumbles] The knives...
Dr. Daniel Charles: [shocked] What?!
Griffin: [forces smile] To help people.

Sarah Reese: I'm so embarrassed.
Dr. Will Halstead: Oh, don't be. You fainted.
Sarah Reese: Yeah, right on top of that poor gymnastics teacher. Did he say anything?
Dr. Will Halstead: Only that he was very impressed with your dismount.

Sharon Goodwin: DCFS recommended that Griffin be separated from the family.
Dr. Natalie Manning: Good.
Sharon Goodwin: No. The Taylors aren't going to do it.
Dr. Natalie Manning: What? I don't understand. They saw.
Dr. Daniel Charles: "Heart will not accept what the eye can see." Willful blindness, right? I'm afraid this is not gonna end well.

Dr. Natalie Manning: Heart rate, BP's coming down.
Nedra Taylor: [crying] What's happening to Bo?
Dr. Daniel Charles: He's terrified. Fear response is an involuntary reflex. Even though he's heavily medicated, he's aware he's in danger.

Inheritance [1.15]

Sarah Reese: [meeting an old friend of Will's] Were they always like that?
Dr. Will Halstead: The Tucker brothers were very popular, and they loved sticking it to us lesser mortals.

Dr. Will Halstead: What's happening?
Sarah Reese: Dr. Perrington is taking him to the cath lab for a clot buster. If you're right about Andrew's head traumas, giving him a clot buster is worse than giving him blood thinners.
Dr. Will Halstead: I gave my medical opinion. The patient and his brother did not want to listen. Perrington's an attending. It's out of my hands now.

Disorder [1.16]

Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Choi, we're gonna need some of your Navy-inspired discipline today.
Dr. Ethan Choi: Sorry, I'm with the paramedics today. Resident ride along.
Maggie Lockwood: And discipline, that a nice way of saying I'm a tight ass? [laughs] Oh, yes. Tight.
Sharon Goodwin: I didn't say that.
Maggie Lockwood: And getting the docs in line, isn't that the Chief Resident's job anyway?
Sharon Goodwin: Wonderful, the guy who's enforcing the rules is the one always breaking them. [looks over at Dr. Halstead]

Withdrawal [1.17]

Dr. Will Halstead: Mr. Gleason, you broke your leg pretty bad. We're gonna have to evaluate this and...
[Gleason suddenly starts shaking]
Dr. Natalie Manning: He's seizing.
Dr. Will Halstead: Mr. Gleason? All right, milligram of Ativan.
April Sexton: On it.
Dr. Natalie Manning: It's a Grand mal seizure. He ever have this before?
April Sexton: Not that I've seen. Milligram of Ativan.
Dr. Will Halstead: He's withdrawing. He's going in delirium tremens.
April Sexton: Never seen him get DTs before. It's gonna be bad, isn't it?
Dr. Will Halstead: Is it ever good?

Dr. David Downey: You're a good surgeon, Dr. Rhodes, but saving a life isn't always the answer. And you will never be a great surgeon until you understand that.

Dr. Will Halstead: You gave Mr. Gleason a drink?
Sharon Goodwin: He was likely going to die without one. I've seen it happen.
Dr. Will Halstead: So it doesn't matter if that was against hospital policy, 'cause I'm pretty sure if that were me, I'd be raked over the coals right now by you.
Sharon Goodwin: Damned if you do and damned if you don't. I admit it's a bit of a double standard. What can I say?
Dr. Will Halstead: This patient... he had a chance to kick his addiction. Now it's gone.
Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Halstead, an addict doesn't just kick a habit. He's got to want to quit, and right he doesn't. Listen, you can't force a person to move on from something if they're not ready.

Dr. Will Halstead: It's not my job to listen. I'm a doctor. It's my job to decide what's best for him.
April Sexton: That is exactly why I'm a nurse.

Sharon Goodwin: Daniel, what are you doing tonight?
Dr. Daniel Charles: Mm, working. Why?
Sharon Goodwin: Well, an old friend of Bert's and mine has moved to town and I thought we could all go to dinner.
Dr. Daniel Charles: You know, sounds like a blast, but I really am slammed.
Sharon Goodwin: Come on, Daniel. Bert's been so grumpy lately, and he always cheers up when he talks to you.
Dr. Daniel Charles: What's going on?
Sharon Goodwin: It's a long story, but you'd really be helping me out. Besides, Maribel loves Scotch and ballroom dancing. You haven't been out in a while.
Dr. Daniel Charles: You know, there's a reason for that. There's this new study out, says dating can lead to marriage.
Sharon Goodwin: It's just a friendly dinner.
Dr. Daniel Charles Yeah, and I'm still paying two and a half alimonies. Those friendly dinners can get expensive.

Timing [1.18]

[Dr. Charles meets a parrot with PTSD]
Dr. Daniel Charles: Parrots are highly intelligent, and very socially attuned. There is, in fact, a program at the VA in San Francisco that matches vets with PTSD with similarly afflicted birds.
Dr. Ethan Choi: So he can help me?
Dr. Daniel Charles: Possible. [Parrot squawks "Don't touch that" repeatedly in the background]
Dr. Ethan Choi: What do I do?
Dr. Daniel Charles: Eh, take care of him. Talk to him. Hang out with him. For starters, teach him something else to say.
[Parrot squawks "Don't touch that" as Dr. Charles is about eat his chips]

Dr. Natalie Manning: Remember when you were a kid and you lost a tooth and you kept running your tongue over the gap? Without my wedding ring, it's like the same thing. Something's missing.
Dr. Ethan Choi: Well, I don't know if it's any consolation, but what do they say? "One door closes and another one opens."

Dr. Daniel Charles: Dr. Reese. I understand that congratulations are in order.
Sarah Reese: I just quit pathology.
Dr. Daniel Charles: Nice fricking move. Right on, sister. I knew you were smart.
Sarah Reese: [confused at his response] I don't have a job.
Dr. Daniel Charles: So what? You're gonna be fine.
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