Charles Trenet

French singer-songwriter

Louis Charles Auguste Claude Trenet (18 May 191319 February 2001) was a French singer and songwriter.

One must keep a few smiles aside to laugh at oneself on joyless days.


When our heart goes Boom,
All else says Boom
And it is Love that awakens.
  • La pendule fait tic-tac-tic-tic
    Les oiseaux du lac pic-pac-pic-pic
    Glou-glou-glou font tous les dindons
    Et la jolie cloche ding-dang-dong
    • The clock goes tic-tac-tic-tic
      The birds of the lake pic-pac-pic-pic

      Glou-glou-glou go all the turkeys
      And the pretty bell ding-dang dong

      But... BOOM!
      When our heart goes Boom,
      All else says Boom
      And it is Love that awakens.

  • La mer
    Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
    A des reflets d`argent
    La mer
    Des reflets changeants
    Sous la pluie

  • La mer
    Au ciel d`été confond
    Ses blancs moutons
    Avec les anges si purs
    La mer
    Bergère d`azur Infinie
    • The sea
      For the sky
      Confuses its white sheep
      With pure angels
      The sea
      Shepherdess of the blue Infinite
      • "La Mer" (1943)
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