Carmen Sandiego (TV series)
Carmen Sandiego (2019–2021) is an animated action-adventure television series with educational elements, based on the media franchise of the same name created by Broderbund. The series is produced by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt with WildBrain serving as the production company, and contains a "serialized look at Carmen's backstory that is told from her perspective".
Season 1
editBecoming Carmen Sandiego (Part 1) [1.1]
editBecoming Carmen Sandiego (Part 2) [1.2]
editSeason 2
edit- Gina Rodriguez - Carmen Sandiego/Black Sheep
- Finn Wolfheart - The Player
- Michael Hawley - Zack
- Abby Trout - Ivy
- Dawnn Lewis - The Chief/Tamara Fraser
- Rafael Petardi - Chase Devineaux
- Charlet Chung - Julia Argent
- Liam O'Brien - Professor Gunnar Maelstrom
- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn - Coach Brunt
- Toks Olagundoye - Countess Cleo
- Paul Nakauchi - Shadowsan
- Kari Wahlgren - Tigress/Sheena
- Andrew Pifko - El Topo/Antonio
- Bernardo de Paula - Le Chevre/Jean Paul
- Michael Goldsmith - Graham Calloway/Gray/Crackle
External links
edit- Show Title quotes at the Internet Movie Database
- Site description
- Site description 2