Carlo Goldoni

Italian playwright (1707-1793)

Carlo Osvaldo Goldoni (25 February 17076 February 1793) was an Italian playwright and librettist from the Republic of Venice. His works include some of Italy's most famous and best-loved plays.

Il mondo è un bel libro, ma poco serve a chi non lo sa leggere.
[The world is a beautiful book, but of little use to him who cannot read it.]
Monument to Goldoni in Florence (sculpted by Ulisse Cambi)


  • Non mancano pretesti quando si vuole.
    • Pretexts are not wanting when one wishes to use them.
    • La Villeggiatura (1761), I, 12.
  • Chi ben commincia è alia meta dell' opra.
    • Who well begins, is half way through his task.
    • Il filosofo di campagna (The Country Philosopher) (1752), Part II, scene I (translation by Lesbina); reported in Thomas Benfield Harbottle and Philip Hugh Dalbiac, Dictionary of Quotations (French and Italian) (1904), p. 261.

Pamela (c. 1750)

  • Bello è il rossore, ma è incommodo qualche volta.
    • The blush is beautiful, but it is sometimes inconvenient.
    • I. 3.
  • Chi parla troppo non può parlar sempre bene.
    • He who talks much cannot always talk well.
    • I. 6.
  • Chi non esce dal suo paese, vive pieno di pregiudizi.
    • He who never leaves his country is full of prejudices.
    • I, 14.
  • Il mondo è un bel libro, ma poco serve a chi non lo sa leggere.
    • The world is a beautiful book, but of little use to him who cannot read it.
    • I. 14.
  • Un viaggiatore prudente non disprezza mai il suo paese.
    • A wise traveler never despises his own country.
    • I. 16.
  • Muore per metà chi lascia un' immagine di se stesso nei figli.
    • He only half dies who leaves an image of himself in his sons.
    • II. 2.
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