Captain America (1990 film)

1990 film directed by Albert Pyun

Captain America is an American 1990-film based on the superhero of the same name. While the film takes several liberties with the comic's storyline, it features Steve Rogers becoming Captain America during World War II to battle the Red Skull, being frozen in ice, and subsequently being revived to save the President of the United States from a crime family that dislikes his environmentalist policies.


The Red Skull: You remain a poor choice, little brother.
Captain America: Stop calling me your brother!

Captain America: Gee whiz, we gotta get going, Mr. President.

The Red Skull: We are both tragedies... And now I send our tortured souls to rest!
Captain America: Speak for yourself.

The Red Skull: Assassination isn't worth the trouble. It took me two years to find Sirhan. Three to find Oswald. The King job alone cost me over twenty million dollars. What do we get for our pains? Saints. Martyrs to the cause.

[Last line]
Radio newscaster: In Rome today, one hundred and sixteen nations agreed to an environmental protection treaty. In a brief statement after the signing, President Kimball asked that we remember the many people who have gallantly sacrificed all to make our world a better place to live. The president closed his statement with this odd message: "To Captain America, wherever he is. We're all back in the fight."

The Red Skull: Fifty years ago, you were Dr. Vaselli's ridiculous idea. You remain a clownish symbol that no one cares about.
Captain America: I care.
The Red Skull: You care? Then come to me, my brother. Let us see if this heart of yours is stronger than my hate.

Dr. Maria Vaselli: Because of you i have the chance to make a wrong thing right. I thank you for that.

Mr. Erlich: Remarkable work, Dr. Vaselli. Congratulations.
[Reaches to shake Vaselli's hand, but quickly jerks his hand up in the air and pulls out a gun]
Mr. Erlich: HEIL HITLER!
[Shoots Vaselli]

The Red Skull: [on seeing Captain America for the first time] Good, an American. Just when I am needing help of my English lessons.

Sam Kolawetz: You see, I have got proof that this Red Skull guy was closely involved in the murders of Robert Kennedy, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King...
[glances at Captain America's baffled face]
Sam Kolawetz: Jesus, you don't even know who I'm talking about do ya?

Sam Kolawetz: Captain America, ya gotta help us. There was a scientist, eh, an Italian, eh, her name was eh... Doctor, eh, Vaseline?

Tom Kimball: How stupid do you think we are? My people will find this place in a lot less than 24 hours.
The Red Skull: [takes a deep breath in mock surprise] Oh no... a hidden transmitter.
[rummages for something in his pocket]
The Red Skull: Does it look something like eh, this?
[holds it up as the President touches his cheek]
The Red Skull: Hm. Painlessly removed from a lower right molar. This one. While you were unconscious.
[Kimball stirs in his chair]
The Red Skull: And so easily deactivated. But don't worry, next time we'll have it made in Japan.

Tom Kimball: Are you kidding? I'm nog bailing out on Captain America!


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