Italian municipality, capital of Sardinia
Cagliari and the Cagliari is an Italian municipality and the capital of the island of Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy.

Quotes on Cagliari:
edit- Caralis, stretches along the length and insinuates a small hill between the waves that breaks the opposite winds. In the middle of the sea a port is formed and in a large shelter, protected from all winds, the lagoon waters subside. (Claudius Claudianus, I, 520, 4th century B.C.E.)
- Cagliari is very steep. In the middle there is a strange place called the ramparts, a wide flat space like a parade ground with trees, curiously suspended above the city, and from which an inclined plane starts, like a wide viaduct across the spiral road that climbs upwards. Above the ramparts, the city continues to climb steeply towards the Cathedral and the fortress. (David Herbert Lawrence, Sea and Sardinia, C.E.1921)
- Cagliari was different from the rest of the island. Since ancient times, it had been the stronghold of the rulers, and its heterogeneous population, made up of a mixture of races, held in contempt anyone who came from the countryside. Even Angelo, when he arrived in Cagliari, felt like a villager and, like all villagers, felt a sense of inferiority. In the city, he became as shy and vulnerable as he had been in a long time. (Giuseppe Dessì, Paese d'ombre, C.E.1972)
- « What won you over about the people of Cagliari?» They are happy people with nothing. She has difficulty finding work, she does so much to receive little, yet she is generous, open, helpful. (Radja Nainggolan)
- And suddenly there is Cagliari: a bare city that rises steep, steep, golden, stacked naked towards the sky from the plain at the beginning of the deep shapeless bay. It's strange and rather surprising, not at all like Italy. The city piles upwards, almost in miniature, and makes me think of Jerusalem: treeless, shelterless, standing bare and proud, remote as if it were back in history, like a city in a monk's illuminated missal. One wonders how he got there. It looks like Spain, or Malta: not Italy. (David Herbert Lawrence, Sea and Sardinia, C.E.1921)
- It is a beautiful city, rugged, stony, with changing colors among the rocks, the African plain, the lagoons, with a history all written and apparent in the stones, like the signs of time on a face: prehistoric and historical, capital of the Sardinians and colonial capital of the Aragonese and Piedmontese, one of the most destroyed by the bombings of the last war and, in just a few years, one of the most completely rebuilt. (Carlo Levi, All the honey is finished, C.E.1964)
- Cold stone Cagliari: in summer you have to be scorching hot, Cagliari, like a furnace. (David Herbert Lawrence, Sea and Sardinia, C.E.1921)
- The summit of Cagliari is the fortress: the old gate, the old ramparts of beautiful yellowish sandstone in the shape of a honeycomb. The boundary wall rises with a wide curve, Spanish, splendid and vertiginous. (David Herbert Lawrence, Sea and Sardinia, C.E.1921)
- The Via Roma was crammed with people who did not quite understand where they were going, what they were doing at that sultry hour, while the sun, hidden behind heaps of clouds, lit it up yellow, red, orange, green, blue. Even the facades of the palaces and the highest towers of the castle with the crammed houses, stratified among the clumps of palm trees and agaves and the buttresses of the medieval ramparts, were tinged with those fantastic colors that would soon be extinguished, leaving the city under an amethyst sky. (Giuseppe Dessì, Paese d'ombre, C.E.1972)
- But it still reminds me of Malta. Lost between Europe and Africa, it belongs nowhere. It belongs nowhere, having never belonged anywhere. To Spain and the Arabs and the Phoenicians, most of all. But as if he never really had a destiny. No fate. Left out of time and history. (David Herbert Lawrence, Sea and Sardinia, C.E.1921)
- Oh narrow, dark, damp streets leading up to the Cathedral, like fissures. By a hair's breadth I dodge a huge bucket of rinsing that falls down from the sky. A little boy who was playing in the street, whose dodge is not so clear-cut, looks up with that naïve, impersonal astonishment with which children look at a star or a lamppost. (David Herbert Lawrence, Sea and Sardinia, C.E.1921)
edit- David Herbert Lawrence, Mare e Sardegna, Ilisso, Nuoro C.E.2000. ISBN 88-87825-17-3
- Carlo Levi, Tutto il miele è finito, Ilisso, Nuoro C.E.2003. ISBN 88-87825-71-8
- Giuseppe Dessì, Paese d'ombre, Ilisso, Nuoro C.E.1998. ISBN 88-85098-79-7
editIn English:
edit- Andrews Robert, The Rough Guide to Sardinia, Publisher: Rough Guide Ltd, C.E.2010, ISBN 1848365403.
- Ashby, Thomas (C.E.1911). "Carales". In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 5 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 300–301.
- Dyson, Stephen L. - Roland Jr. Robert, Archaeology and History in Sardinia from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages: Shepherds, Sailors, and Conquerors, C.E.2007.
Freytag-Berndt, Sardinia Travel Map.
- Lawrence D. H., Sea and Sardinia
Parker, Philip M., The C.E.2011 Economic and Product Market Databook for Cagliari, Italy, Icon Group International, C.E.2011 ISBN 9781157065692
- Stein Eliot, Sardinia: Cagliari & the South, Publisher: Footprint Travel Guides, United Kingdom, C.E.2012, ISBN 1908206535
In Italian:
edit- Alziator Francesco, La città del sole, editrice La Zattera, Cagliari, C.E.1963.
- Atzeni Enrico, Cagliari preistorica, editrice CUEC, Cagliari, C.E.2003.
- Barreca Ferrucio, La Sardegna fenicia e punica, editore Chiarella, Sassari, C.E.1984
- Boscolo Alberto, La Sardegna bizantina e altogiudicale, editotr Chiarella, Sassari, C.E.1982
- Cossu Giuseppe, Della città di Cagliari, notizie compendiose sacre e profane, Stamperia Reale, Cagliari C.E.1780
- Del Piano Lorenzo, La Sardegna nell'ottocento, editore Chiarella, Sassari, C.E.1984
- Gallinari Luciano, Il Giudicato di Cagliari tra XI e XIII secolo. Proposte di interpretazioni istituzionali, in Rivista dell'Istituto di Storia dell'Europa Mediterranea, n°5, C.E.2010
- Hunno Baeza Roderigo, Il Caralis Panegyricus, edited by Francesco Alziator, Tipografia, Mercantile Doglio, Cagliari, C.E.1954.
- Manconi Francesco, La Sardegna al tempo degli Asburgo, Il Maestrale, Nuoro, 2010, ISBN 9788864290102
- Manconi Francesco, Una piccola provincia di un grande impero, CUEC, Cagliari, C.E.2012, ISBN 8884677882
- Manconi Francesco (edited by), La società sarda in età spagnola, Edizioni della Torre, Cagliari, C.E.2003, 2 vol.
- Mastino Attilio, Storia della Sardegna Antica, Il Maestrale, Nuoro, C.E.2005, ISBN 9788889801635
- Maxia Agata Rosa, La grammatica del dialetto cagliaritano, editrice Della Torre, Cagliari, C.E.2010
- Meloni Piero, La Sardegna Romana, Chiarella, Sassari, C.E.1980
- Porru Vincenzo Raimondo, Saggio di gramatica sul dialetto sardo meridionale, Stamperia Reale, Cagliari, C.E.1811.
- Scano Dionigi, Forma Karalis, a cura del Comune di Cagliari, pref. di E. Endrich, Cagliari, Società Editrice Italiana, C.E.1934, (oggi in ed. anast. *Cagliari, La zattera, C.E.1970; Cagliari, 3T, C.E.1989).
- Sole Carlino, La Sardegna sabauda nel settecento, edizione Chiarella, Sassari, C.E.1984
- Sorgia Giancarlo, La Sardegna spagnola, editore Chiarella, Sassari, C.E.1983
- Spano Giovanni, Guida della città e dintorni di Cagliari, ed. Timon, Cagliari, C.E.1861
- Spanu Luigi, Cagliari nel seicento, editrice Il Castello, Cagliari, C.E.1999
- Thermes Cenza, Cagliari, amore mio : guida storica, artistica, sentimentale della citta di Cagliari, editrice 3T, Cagliari, C.E.1980–81.
- Thermes Cenza, E a dir di Cagliari..., editrice G. Trois, Cagliari, C.E.1997.
- Zedda Corrado, Pinna Raimondo, Fra Santa Igia e il Castro Novo Montis de Castro. La questione giuridica urbanistica a Cagliari all'inizio del XIII secolo, Archivio Storico Giuridico Sardo di Sassari", n.s., 15 (C.E.2010–2011), pp. 125–187