Bothaina Kamel (Egyptian Arabic: بثينة كامل; born 18 April 1962, in Cairo) is an Egyptian television anchor, activist, and politician. A long-time pro-democracy advocate, particularly in Shayfeencom, her professional career has been marked by repeated conflict with authorities. In June 2011 she announced her candidacy for the Egyptian presidency, although she did not receive enough signatures to make the ballot.She announced on 12 April 2014 that she would run in the 2014 presidential election[1] though she was unable to collect enough endorsements to run.

Bothaina Kamel


  • We are beginning a new era. If there hadn’t been a revolution, I would never have run in the presidential elections."
  • "I think it’s good to talk about everything. It’s not good to try to cover the truth,"
  • "I may be a woman, but women’s rights are not my only focus. I want the rights of all Egyptians."
  • we did it through the revolution and we’re doing it again by telling the whole world that Egypt, like every other country, has a real chance for change.
  • It was very difficult [to talk about gender equality] because we were in a corrupt political system,
  • And she’s not alone in that fight. It might look like quite a few people are interested in seeing her fail, but there are also many who want her to succeed.
  • We have to be alert because it’s possible that there will be danger. The important thing is to know that this stage is not easy and that we are still in the beginning.”
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