Blood Scion

2022 young adult fantasy novel by Deborah Falaye

Blood Scion is a 2022 young adult fantasy novel by Nigerian Canadian writer Deborah Falaye. Falaye's debut novel, inspired by Nigerian and Yoruba mythology, was published on 8 March 2022 by HarperTeen, an imprint of HarperCollins as the first book in a planned series.

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  • You are more than what they say you are, Sloane
    • (Page 70).
  • They’d sooner destroy you for fear of what they do not understand”
    • (Page 85).
  • “I am only half of what I really am. I cannot afford to be whole”
    • (Page 16).
  • Make me normal. Make me whole. Make me like them. Make me worthy of life”
    • (Page 195).
  • They feared us, feared our advanced weaponry, feared what we could do to their devilish practices and rituals, and so they tried to eliminate us”
    • (Page 70).
  • They will destroy every last semblance of your humanity, and you cannot fight it, you cannot change it. Because from now on, they own you”
    • (Page 75).
  • It births such a ravenous beast . . . that not even the risk of failure is enough to sate its cravings”
    • (Page 323)
  • Treat something like a monster, and it will certainly learn to become a monster”
    • (Page 325).
  • As long as you live and walk this earth, you must make a mark”
    • (Page 348).
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