Black Jesus (TV series)
American television sitcom
Black Jesus (2014-19) is an American comedy television series created by Aaron McGruder and Aaron McGruder that airs on Adult Swim. The scripted live-action comedy features Jesus Christ living in modern-day Compton, California, on a mission to spread love and kindness throughout the neighborhood with his small group of followers.
editAbout Black Jesus (TV series)
edit- I'm not saying it's particularly deep, and it is filled with language that cannot be reproduced in this newspaper, but it's good-natured and, compared with a lot of what's on television, the comedy is gentle and hopeful.
- Robert Lloyd, "Review: 'Black Jesus' on Adult Swim has good-natured stoner humor". LA Times. 2014-08-08.
- The foul language used in the trailer, including using the Lord’s name in vain, is disgusting. In addition, there is violence, gunfire and other inappropriate gestures which completely misrepresent Jesus. This is blasphemy!
- One Million Moms, as quoted in “Will Aaron McGruder Introduce Audiences to the ‘Real’ Jesus?”, Stanley Tyrone Talbert, Ebony, August 7, 2014.
- I can easily understand why so many Christians are concerned about the manner in which McGruder's program poses a threat to the respectability of Jesus and Christianity, but just as disturbing is how Christians of all ethnicities continue to allow the construct of Whiteness to be the necessary image for a Jesus who the Bible depicts as being for all people. The lily-White conception of Jesus would never hang with the pimps, the drug dealers, and the poor. And any reading of the gospels reveals that couldn't be further from the truth.
- Stanley Tyrone Talbert, ibid.
- Christians and anyone who believes in respecting faith must come together to make sure this program never airs.
- The American Family Association president Tim Wildmon, ibid.