Bert & Ernie Sing-Along

album by Bert and Ernie

Bert & Ernie Sing-Along is a Sesame Street album released in 1975 and 2018 that involved the entire cast of humans, cartoons, other characters and Muppets doing a sing-a-long in Bert and Ernie's bathroom. The songs and dialog were recorded exclusively for this album and not reused on the show or another record (though a couple of songs were included on later albums). It was released for the public.



Bert: Oh, yes! Now I love taking a bath! Ha-ha! Faith'r and I went down to camp, A-long with Cap-tain Good-In And. And there we saw a thous-san men, as rich as Squire... - Da- Vid; And,

Ernie: Hey Bert!

Bert: Ernie, can't you see I'm taking a bath? What do you want?

Ernie: Oh I love that song you were singing there Bert.

Bert: Oh thank you Ernie! It's called "Yankee Doodle".

Ernie: Oh! Well you see Bert I brought in this piano so I can join in in your singing!

Bert: Oh Ernie that's very nice of you but

Ernie: Oh come on Bert! Let's do it!

Bert: (sigh) Ernie, I refuse to sing along!

Ernie: Oh come on Bert just sing along!

Bert: Ernie I will not sing along!

Ernie: Bert come on!

Bert: No Ernie no!

Ernie: Come on Bert!

Bert: Ernie get out!


  • Bert: Ernie, I do not want to sing along!
  • Ernie: Come on, Bert! You have to!
  • Bert: Oh Ernie!
  • Everyone: Sing! Sing a song!
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