Bella Disu

Nigerian business executive and philanthropist

Belinda "Bella" Ajoke Olubunmi Disu (née Adenuga, born 29 May 1986) is a Nigerian businesswoman.[1] She is Chairman, Board of Directors Abumet Nigeria Limited,[2] Executive Vice Chairman of Globacom, CEO of Cobblestone Properties and Estates Limited, and a non-executive director of Julius Berger Nigeria Plc.

Bella Disu


  • My charge to women is to keep climbing the career ladder. Climb it anxious. Climb it confidently. But just keep climbing. And when you get to the top, because you will – give a helping hand to the women coming behind you – this is how we grow!
  • I am a firm believer that the world is experiencing rapidly total transformation and if you don’t adapt and move with it, you will get left behind.
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