Beast Wars: Transformers
Beast Wars: Transformers (Beasties: Transformers in Canada) (1996-1999) is a CGI animated television series made by Mainframe Entertainment in which two opposing factions trapped on a primitive planet, the Maximals and the Predacons of Transformers, a race of sentient extraterrestrial robots, fight over its precious Energon. Soon they discover that there are other forces at work on the planet - a powerful alien race that does not approve of their presence. And as they delve deeper into the planet's history, they uncover a terrible secret, one that must not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands, or their entire race's very existence could be threatened. It is one of several infomercial series marketing the Transformers toy line to children. It was followed by sequel series Beast Machines: Transformers (1999-2000).
Season 1
editSeason 2
editSeason 3
editExternal links
edit- Beast Wars: Transformers quotes at the Internet Movie Database