
Japanese light novel series

Baccano! is a Japanese light novel series, comic series and animated television series that is currently on-going in Japan. It is about a group of Immortal beings who clash with mafia, thieves, terrorists and various other pulp-fiction characters to create a plot full of commotion.

Claire Stanfield

  • (To Rachel) "Your ticket, please!"
    • Episode 6
  • "It's begun. It's too late now. There's no going back. I have become the Rail Tracer!"
    • Episode 9
  • (About Czeslaw) "Wasn't he just dead a minute ago?"
    • Episode 10
  • "It doesn't matter who I am. You can just think of me as the talking air."
    • Episode 11
  • "So what if I'd spare him? In my mind, it's the certainty in myself that I possess which allows me to have that kind of mercy or compassion. There's no wavering on that point. It's fixed like the stars. The fact is, I'm never gonna be killed! So remember this: Mercy and compassion are virtues that only the strong are privileged to possess. And I am strong."
    • Episode 11
  • "This world is mine. I think this world may even just be a long, long dream I'm having. You guys may just be illusions, and it can't be proven whether or not you really exist. In other words, this world was created with me at the center. So what will happen if I die? I don't know. My imagination isn't very creative. I just can't imagine myself dying. In other words, there is no way this world can completely disappear. But if I die, then everyone will disappear. I am the only one in this world who won't disappear. The rest are just people I see, as if in a dream."
    • Episode 12
  • (While fighting Ladd) "All I have to do is think something, and it becomes true."
    • Episode 12
  • "I won't die no matter what. That's what I believe, so stay silent and believe in me. I am a man who will never die."
    • Episode 13
  • "You can throw your knife at me if you want, but you'll never hit me!"
    • Episode 13
  • (Confronting Chane, who holds a knife to his chest) "It's been a while. You still planning to kill me? To be honest, I would completely understand if you were. I just thought it would be appropriate for me to go ahead and declare my love for you first. I'm a little afraid that I wasn't able to properly convey my feelings for you on top of that train, so I guess I'll just come out and say it. As perplexing as it is, it appears I've fallen in love with you, Chane. Sorry, that's not true. There's actually nothing perplexing about it. Eh, I'm really not any good at expressing myself in fancy words, so I'll just make it simple: I love you. Let's get married. (Chane keeps the knife on him, disbelieving) You're not sure? That's all right. I promise you there's no way I will destroy this world you've come to believe in. Your world is really not that fragile. No world can be destroyed just because someone else enters into it. It just gets bigger, that's all! And if your world is ever, in the slightest way, threatened, I will protect it. I bet you wouldn't ordinarily believe anyone who talks like me. But then, I'm not ordinary.
    • Episode 15
  • (Fighting Graham) "I don't care what your little brain thinks! It's impossible for you to beat me!"
    • Episode 16


  • "Could you please listen to this selfish request of mine? Please ... don't forget about me."
    • Episode 13

Gustav Saint Germain

  • "Why do we feel these rainbows are so fairy tale like? Have you ever thought about that?"
    • Episode 1
  • "Depending on who you place in the same situation, the characteristics of said incident change kaleidoscopically. In other words, there is one incident. However, there are as many stories explaining it as there are people involved in it."
    • Episode 1

Isaac Dian

  • "As long as we're together I could be a king or a queen! I could even be a joker!"
    • Episode 4
  • "The Rail Tracer eats bad children, right? The Rail Tracer must have realized after eating Czes, that he is actually a good little boy, and he came back to return the parts he had eaten!"
    • Episode 13
  • "A train robbery is where you take a train to your destination, make your move, and take a train back, right?"
    • Episode 1
  • "We'll tan his hide. I'll use my trusty hundred guns!" (Isaac visibly has no guns)
    • Episode 8
  • (Upon discovering he and Miria are immortal in 2001) "LITTLE MAMA, LET'S CALL UP THE BOYS AND HAVE A PARTY!"
    • Episode 13

Luck Gandor

  • "I was scared to death of this poem when I was young. But it's different now. Ever since the incident one year ago ..."
    • Episode 1
  • "Now tell me, who tried to ventilate me!"
    • Episode 1
  • (As Gustavo is about to kill him) "Don't you think that's a bit random?"
    • Episode 10
  • "Look, there are powers in this world you clearly don't understand, pal."
    • Episode 10
  • "Your brother killed some of my friends in a horrible way, one year ago, right here. So I won't apologize."
    • Episode 13

Maiza Avaro

  • "The harshness of having to live for eternity ..."
    • Episode 13

Jacuzzi Splot

  • "The times when you want to cry are when you have to try your hardest. That's why I decided I'll cry in general. Then, when I have to shed tears for a time when I really want to cry, my tears would have run dry."
    • Episode 13
  • (Upon discovering mutilated corpses in the conductor's car, blaming The Rail Tracer) "It's too late. It's-it's already taken us over!"
    • Episode 2
  • "I might have cried a little too much up till now. So I've decided that the amount I cried counts towards you as well. I've cried your half. So even if bad things should happen now, don't cry."
    • Episode 13
    • Episode 13

Miria Harvent

  • "Isaac! Your wound disappeared without a trace! What's next? Doves?"
    • Episode 1
  • "I don't understand any of it, but it's absolutely incredible!"

Ladd Russo

  • "It's guns! I love guns! ...machine guns? That's even better! This could be fun! Sounds like death, and danger. Daaanger, daaaaanger...What's happening in the dining car? Is there blood? Who's killing who? Where did they get shot? I have to see! Things are really starting to get exciiiting! Yes! Yes yes yes! YES YES YES YES YES!"
    • Episode 4
  • "Now, dear uncle, there's a certain person that I just love to kill. It doesn't even matter whether they're weak or strong. The people I live to kill that really get me jazzed... never see it coming. Never. They're in some happy place where they're sure nothing can get them. Dying is the furthest thing from their minds. Maybe they're thinkin' about what they're gonna have for dinner. Just like you were. Right before I walked in."
    • Episode 4
  • "C'mon, put up ya dukes! You think you're Pete Hammond? Haha, more like Jack Dempsey! Or more like Jack Johnson! You got no moxie! You got no technique! you even know any of these boxers I'm talkin' about? Any red-blooded American would have to know what I'm talking about, RIGHT!? You don't? Oh, you don't!? I'll make you pay for not knowin' them! Of course, even if you did know 'em, you'd still! Have! To! PAAAAAAY!"
    • Episode 4
  • "I just know you are all my newest enemies...and you have really nice guns. You people are all the same. You think you're so SPECIAL! "Oh yeah, with all of our wonderful guns on this pathetic train, there's no way anyone can stop us! We are invincible and unbeatable! We are SO STRONG with all of our men and our guns!" Hahaha! You are my absolute favorite people to kill! You are so beautifully amazed when you die! Especially when I squish your brains! BETWEEN MY FINGERS! LIKE I'M MAKING SAUSAGE!
    • Episode 4
  • "Thank you! Fuck you! A villain has arrived!"
    • Episode 6, Japanese Version
  • "Thank you! Fuck you! The star is here!"
    • Episode 6, English Version
  • "Why? Is there anything in it for us? If you were a woman, I could expect a kiss or so, but you're a guy! On the contrary, you could just die there. I mean, just die. It is your destiny to die here!"
    • Episode 6
  • "Depending on your request, whether I will laugh or get angry, that will decide your lifespan, boy"
    • Episode 9
  • "Too bad, you were so close but you couldn't figure out how to talk to me after all... I can't let a look like yours go unanswered. You're just so sure I'm not gonna do this!" (Shoots Czeslaw in the face)
  • (About Czeslaw) "DId you see the way he was looking at me? It's like that smug face was daring me to blast it all to hell. He was so certain he wasn't gonna get killed by us. He was looking down his nose AT ME! LADD RUSSO! I was overwhelmed with the most incredible urge to kill...But what really burns, what makes me wish he was alive so I could kill him again was that goddamn look in his face, LIKE I JUST COULDN'T KILL HIM!!! (one of his men calls for him) Hey, keep it down!"
    • Episode 10
  • "He sure underestimated me! My Murderous Gauge was turned to the max!"
    • Episode 10
  • "The reason you guys were wearing such orchestra style suits was to perform for me, right? To think you'd come to the roof especially for me! This must be love! I have embraced your enormous love! Now it's your turn to embrace my love. I love you, so die!"
    • Episode 10
  • (While fighting Chane) "I'm gonna kill ya, baby. Whether you wanna die or not!"
    • Episode 10
  • (While fighting Claire) "Okay, all mighty ruler of this world. Just how is it you're planning to kill me, huh? Maybe I should just go ahead and show you that this world works differently than you think it does. I'm gonna kill you, and then after I'll dance a jig around your dead corpse because YOU won't exist in MY world anymore!"
    • Episode 12
  • (Ladd and Lua soar through the air uncontrollably) "Just let this moment be what it is. I wish I could kill you right now and forever. (Grins as they are about to collide with a water tower)
    • Episode 12
  • "I'll try to listen to your story before I put ya to bed, but I ain't gonna wait all night for it. So get to talkin' quick."
  • Episode 14
  • (Laughing maniacally) "I'm not gonna kill you easy! You're lucky enough to be killed by me at all! You should be grateful! PEOPLE SHOULD ENJOY GETTING KILLED BY ME, HAHAHA!!!"
    • Episode 14
  • (Calmly after taking a devastating blow from Graham's wrench) "Did you really think you could do anything you wanted to me with this little toy. Even if you could do something, you couldn't do it against me! You filthy little punk!"
    • Episode 14

Graham Specter

  • "Oh, life is fun! Try sayin' that ten times fast ten thousand times a minute every day for the rest of your life and it'll screw with your head so bad that all problems will disappear like MAGIC! Okay okay okay, I've gotten past the sadness and as of now I'm evolving to a HIGHER STAAAATE! Right!? Tell me you all think so! a magnificent beast, and it excites me."
    • Episode 14
  • "Nice! I love a happy story more than anything else. So, explain to me why a gang of criminals is comin' and goin' at this place. Burglary? It's got to be burglary...DAMN! Okay, before they get ahead of us we've gotta start dismantling houses. I want you to carry out their safes, bring them here and then start takin' them apaaart apart apartapartapart- DAMN! I'm startin' to get wound up again! TRANSCENDENTALLY HOPELESSLY WOUND UP!"
    • Episode 14
  • "Let me show you! I really don't like you! Since I don't, I'll CLOBBER you! I'm gonna beat you as much as I want to, you hear me!? I'M GONNA HURT YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN! What's wrong with that, huh? Tell me! You can't, can you!? You should be GRATEFUL! Thanks to my unbelievable attack, you don't have to offer any more of your pathetic EXCUSES!"
    • Episode 14
  • "Tedium is such a crime, it takes the limited amount of time that is given to man, and rather than spending it in indolence or drowning it in pleasure, it just sits there: sucking, eating it up. I can't put up with that, tedium is a crime! Death to tedium! Die!"
    • Episode 15
  • (to Chane) "Sorry about this young lady, but not being able to verbalize might be a lucky break for you in a way. People can waste an awful lot of energy. By putting sadness into words. Or maybe joy into words. And then of course, there's putting anger into words. And the words can double when it comes to fear or pain. In that sense, being so afraid that you can't find any words may save your life. Being unable to speak in extreme stress in a body that is obligated to control energy consumption is an act of, OH, I don't know, maybe, self defense? Oh boy, I went said a thing of actual intelligence there. Time to show me some love, boys!
    • Episode 15
  • (Fighting Chane) "Uh oh, I thought you were an ordinary young lady but I don't anymore. Isn't that a little large and bulky for a girl looking to protect herself? Oh well, that's okay. You surprised me a little and being surprised is a good thing for me, for everyone really. Being surprised reminds people that whatever lies ahead of them in life is for the most part unpredictable darkness! (Attacks Chane, her knife is caught in the grasp of his wrench) Another surprise! I have this feeling that you're not Eve Genoard. And forgive me, but you don't move your body like any other amateur. And I'm actually intrigued, however, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't interrupt me while I'm speaking. (Chane just stares at him, he laughs) You're amazing! A woman that goes beyond woman, I'm starting to get excited! As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you were a martian right now. So hurry up and grow eight arms why don't ya? If it turns out you're not human that just means you'll be more fun to break! (They break from their lock, and Graham knocks her down mid-air) Oh yeah, I'm really starting to enjoy this! It is truly, truly a pleasure. I think you should be my new best buddy. We could write an incredible story. But if not, just to be clear about it, I have to hurt you."
    • Episode 15
  • "Let me tell you an incomprehensible story! What is it for the actions of men to be incomprehensible? It would seem to me that if it can't be comprehended one should not even bother trying. It is useless to even think about it, I think. That said, I don't know exactly what's going on but may we continue fighting please?"
    • Episode 15
  • (Challenged by Claire) "How dare you suggest such a thing! There is only one other person who has ever dared to rival my certainty and that...IS BOSS LADD! The absolute perfection of boss Ladd was unwavering. For you to challenge that is far beyond your pathetic pale. Unless I knock your superiority down beneath the feet of boss Ladd my dawn will never break! Don't you get it, I shall not see the Sun! It will remain night forever!
    • Episode 15
  • (After ending the fight with Claire) "Ah, sad... let me spin you a very sad yarn. As loathsome as I foe I have here before me, I will not be able to engage him any further. It would just not be right, for you see... this man is gonna be killed by boss Ladd himself in due time."
    • Episode 16