Attilio Mariani

Italian Starchitect and designer

Attilio Mariani (1921 - 1971), Italian architect, designer and academic.

Quotes of Attilio Mariani

  • I consider that apartment building, The Abstract House (Viale Beatrice d'Este, Milan), our (Mariani with Carlo Perogalli and the painter Francesco Magnelli) the best result in this area: the idea was not to make the condominium "disappear", but to see it as little as possible in a composition of only architectural elements coinciding with the structural parts of the house. We have thus created the abstract motif of the blue balconies, playing on the motif of color and on that of solids and voids.
    • Quote of Mariani, in [1], Ordine Architetti Milano, Casa Astratta, Viale Beatrice d'Este 24, Claudio Camponogara, Elisabetta Dulbecco

Quotes about Attilio Mariani

  • Perogalli e Mariani, nel realizzare anche l’adiacente edificio al n.26, che fa da testata all’isolato, risolvono in modo diverso il tema … imponendo a Viale Beatrice d’Este un ductus pittorico che va dalla marziale scacchiera di quest’ultimo alla celestiale “fuga” del primo, ma anche un dittico concettuale che dota entrambi gli edifici della medesima matrice pieno-vuoto, trasformando l’avenue in galleria d’arte, in un museo en plein air.
    • Perogalli and Mariani, in also creating the adjacent building at no. 26, which acts as the head of the block, resolve the theme in a different way... imposing on Viale Beatrice d’Este a pictorial ductus that goes from the martial chessboard of the latter to the celestial "escape" of the former, but also a conceptual diptych that endows both buildings with the same full-void matrix, transforming the avenue into a gallery of art, in an open air museum.
  • One day we wandering down viale Beatrice d’Este … the Casa Astratta, with the Mondrian-like game of blue majolica titleand white marble. Almost a Montale-style epiphany, theblue show itself only in pieces, above, between cornices and functional quality become poetry. Perogalli and Mariani choose the pathway of emotion, making the gift of a dream … The geometric-chromatic impact of the ”Casa Astratra” represent on the finest compositional solutions of the Movimento d’Arte Concreta stemming from an idea of Rho and Dorfles, with Perogalli as one of its exponents…transforming the theory of production in to synesthesia of color, space, light and movement.

See also
