Arsenius the Great

Desert Father

Arsenius the Great was a Roman imperial tutor who became an anchorite in Egypt, one of the most highly regarded of the Desert Fathers.

Strive with all your might to bring your interior activity into accord with God, and you will overcome exterior passions.


Sayings of the Desert Fathers: the alphabetical collection, as translated by Benedicta Ward, SLG (Cistercian Publications: 1975)
  • While still living in the palace, Abba Arsenius prayed to God in these words, "Lord, lead me in the way of salvation." And a voice came saying to him, "Arsenius, flee from men and you will be saved."
    • Saying 1, Page 9

  • Having withdrawn to the solitary life he made the same prayer again and he heard a voice saying to him, "Arsenius, flee, be silent, pray always, for these are the source of sinlessness."
    • Saying 2, Page 9

  • Strive with all your might to bring your interior activity into accord with God, and you will overcome exterior passions.
    • Saying 9, Page 10

  • Abba Mark said to Abba Arsenius, 'Why do you avoid us?'
The old man said to him, 'God knows that I love you, but I cannot live with God and with men. The thousands and ten thousands of the heavenly hosts have but one will, while men have many. So I cannot leave God to be with men.'
  • Saying 13, Page 11

  • A brother came to the cell of Abba Arsenius at Scetis. Waiting outside the door he saw the old man entirely like a flame. (The brother was worthy of this sight.) When he knocked, the old man came out and saw the brother marvelling.
He said to him, 'Have you been knocking long? Did you see anything here?'
The other answered, 'No.'
So then he talked with him and sent him away.
  • Saying 27, Page 13

  • It was also said of him that on Saturday evenings, preparing for the glory of Sunday, he would turn his back on the sun and stretch out his hands in prayer towards the heavens, till once again the sun shone on his face. Then he would sit down.
  • Saying 30, Page 14
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