Arnaud Desjardins

French spiritual teacher

Arnaud Desjardins was a French author. He was a producer at the Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française from 1952 to 1974, and was one of the first high-profile practitioners of Eastern religion in France. He worked on television documentaries about spiritual traditions not well known to many Europeans at the time, including Hinduism, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen, and Sufism from Afghanistan.


  • The Dalai Lama was little known, because he had never traveled abroad and was not yet a Nobel Prize winner, but he opened all the doors for me and I was able to film all the greats Tibetan masters, rinpothes and toulkus who had fled with him.
    • in 1964 . quoted from François Gautier - Les mots du dernier Dalaï-lama (2018, Flammarion)
  • At that time, the Dalai Lama was much more accessible, I had breakfast with him and spend long moments alone with him.
    • quoted from François Gautier - Les mots du dernier Dalaï-lama (2018, Flammarion)
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