Anthony Weiner
American politician (born 1964)
Anthony David Weiner (born September 4, 1964) is a former Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives, having represented New York's 9th congressional district, and a convicted sex offender.

edit- I would have beaten Bloomberg like a rented mule.
- Stated on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, in response to a question on whether he would had defeated New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg if he had run in the 2009 mayoral election (February 4, 2010)
- WEINER: Y'know, You gotta love these Republicans. I mean, you guys have chutzpah. The Republican Party is the wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry. They say this isn’t going to do enough, but when we propose an alternative to provide competition, they’re against it. They say we want to strengthen state insurance commissioners and they'll do the job. But when we did that in our national health care bill, they said we're against it. They said we want to have competition but when we proposed requiring competition they're against it. They’re a wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry. That’s the fact!
- Dan LUNGREN: Mr. Speaker, I ask that the gentleman's words be taken down.
- WEINER: You really don't want to go there, Mr. Lungren. [...]
- (Weiner asks unanimous consent to withdrawing his initial remarks and substitute new ones).
- WEINER: Make no mistake about it. Every single Republican I have ever met in my entire life is wholly owned subsidiary of the insurance industry. That is why —
- LUNGREN: Mr. Speaker, I ask that the gentleman's words be taken down once more.
- WEINER: Look, the point is very simple, there are inequities in the present way we distribute insurance. There are winners and there are losers. The winners are the insurance industry. [...] There is not bipartisanship on this particular issue. The people who sit on this side, at the risk of offending anyone, generally support the idea of standing up for the American people in their battle against big insurance. And the people generally speaking who sit on this side of the chamber and specifically speaking as well in a lot of cases, simply won’t permit that to happen and haven’t for a generation. Well, that is going to end now. [...] Enough of the phonyness. We are gonna solve this problem because for years our Republican friends have been unable to and unwilling to. Deal with it!" (applause)
- Exchange on the floor of the House of Representatives on health care reform (February 24, 2010)
- You've gotta stop making stuff up.
- Interview with Bill O'Reilly, on The O'Reilly Factor (March 24, 2010)
- Here's a viewer's guide to BP media briefings. Whenever you hear someone with a British accent talking about this on behalf of British Petroleum they are not telling you the truth. That's the bottom-line.
- It is a shame. A shame! If you believe this is a bad idea to provide health care — then vote no! But don't give me the cowardly view that "Oh, if it was a different procedure."
- Speech on the floor of the House, on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (July 29, 2010)
- The gentleman will sit! The gentleman is correct in sitting!
- Speech on the floor of the House, on the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act (July 29, 2010)
- There are basically three formations of the argument by the Republicans: First, they start by making stuff up. You kind of have to wonder if any of them actually read the bill: 137 new agencies — not true; new IRS agents - not true; 'death panels' - not true; Members aren't covered — not true; no tort reform in it — not true. You know, I want to just advise people watching at home playing that now popular drinking game of you take a shot whenever the Republicans say something that's not true, please assign a designated driver. This is going to be a long afternoon.
- Speech on the floor of the House, on Republicans' statements on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (January 19, 2011)
- I accept full responsibility for my conduct; I have a sickness, but I do not have an excuse.
- Statement given after pleading guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor (May 19, 2017)
Quotes about Weiner
edit- I think he’s a pervert. It’s dangerous to allow him on the convention floor.
- Donald Trump, in an interview with The New York Times' Maureen Dowd. [1] (July 29, 2016)