Anatoliy Tymoshchuk

Ukrainian footballer

Anatoliy Oleksandrovych Tymoshchuk (born 30 March 1979) is a Ukrainian footballer who plays for w:Russian Premier League club w:Zenit St. Petersburg and the Ukrainian national team as a holding midfielder.

Ones I promised the fans, that, if I have an opportunity, I will come back to Peterburg. That's what I did. Though I had enough other offers.


  • "I've never blamed the referees. Reasons for failures should always be found within oneself, highlight the weak links. The problem with refereeing should be the centre of it all," as assistant in Zenit, 2017.
  • When I look at Yarmolenko's hairdo, who dyed it blond, I can tell that the guys miss me.
    • [1] (2016, after retiring from the national team)
  • All matches are equal, because all of them need to be won.
  • I always remember where I came from.
  • I'll agree to fight [Mike] Tyson, if they'll allow to use tackles.
  • Next year there will be a celebration dedicated to the victory in the Battle of Poltava, so it would be symbolic to play the match with Sweden there.
  • Thanks to the tour with the UEFA Cup I finally flew on a helicopter.
  • To win in a battle without compromises is always nicer.
  • I'd love to visit space, to see how our beautiful planet looks from there. I think every man has such a dream, but you'd need years of hard working for that.
  • I am often being asked about Petersburg and its fans. I always say, those are open people that love their city, their team and try to show it. I am glad there is such a city, there is such a team and such people, that support that team. In Munich they are all... German! What else can I say? It's as if they come to the theater, everyone are sitting quietly.
  • "Once I promised the fans that, if I have an opportunity, I will come back to Peterburg. That's what I did. Though I had enough other offers."', Tymoschuk talking after the return to Zenit, 2013.
  • "It's hard for me to talk about the events, which happened before my arrival, I didn't take part in them, but I know, the atmosphere in the club can be better. I think, each of us has to understand, that we as a team, as one unit need to reach results.", Tymoschuk about the conflicts which started in Zenit at the time he was absent,
  • Zenit was always in my heart. That's where I won my first European title. When I left Saint Petersburg in 2009, the fans followed me to the airport, and I promised, I will return to Russia.
  • "Find in yourself the strength and wisdom to show love and care to everyone, near you, regardless of the region they live in, ethnicity or religion. Be wise and don't be fooled by provocation, be united under the idea of brotherhood, unity and love to the Ukraine! Russians, Ukrainians and all the other Slavic people, are historically brother nations. A brother can't go against his brother, it's a curse and grief. There is a force stronger than weapons in this world, it is love.", Tymoschuk about the 2014 political crisis in Ukraine and the Russo-Ukrainian war, 2014.
  • We are playing for different fans, we are united by our love to football. Ukraine is diverse, Ukraine is united - Kiev, Donetsk, Dniepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Odessa, Sevastopol, Lutsk... all of Ukraine. Lets say "stop!" to violence. Lets be united, in what we love - we love Ukraine, Tymoschuk talking about the political crisis in Ukraine following the Euromaidan events,

About Tymoshchuk

  • "He talks to the players. He is like a bridge between the manager and the players. Anatoly used to play here, many remember him. He keeps us on our toes," Nicolas Lombaerts on Tymoschuk's role as an assistant, 2017.
  • "A legend, I'm very lucky to have had the chance to play with such a wonderful footballer and person. Thank's for everything!", Andrey Yarmolenko upon Tymoschuk's retirement from the national team, 2016.
  • Everybody treated my nicely, Arshavin and Tymoshchuk were helping, especially Tymoshchuk. Write it down, Tymoshchuk - is a good guy!", Maximillian Pronichev about his adaptation in Zenit, 2014.
  • "In Krasnodar, when [Tymoschuk] was coming in as a substitute, the Ptersburg fans meet him with loud cheering of his surname, while the local public was applauding, even though Tymoschuk - is a rival. Tymoschuk is being treated different [that Arshavin], because he knows how to behave himself, he speaks to journalists in the mixt-zone, is ready to speak to fans.", German Zozin about the respect Tymoschuk has from Zenit fans, 2013.
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