Alisen Down

Canadian actress

Alisen Down (January 3, 1976–) is a Canadian film and television actress and wife of David Richmond-Peck.


  • I naturally believe that there’s more to it than we think which scares me. I like to try and find out the science behind things. A part of me likes to know that if need be, I can rely on some kind of scientific answer so I am not terrified of the other side. I need some sort of balance. I like knowing that there’s more to this world than what we physically see and feel gives me a sense of hope. I can believe in a universe that’s greater than myself. That’s comforting.
  • I’m from Vancouver so the first ten years of my career were spent there and a lot of sci-fi shows were shot there. So really, a lot of what I auditioned for was sci-fi. But I actually really like the genre! I like the challenge of walking into that weird world and making it seem as if that’s the regular world. A lot of my sci-fi work has been because those were most of the shows I auditioned for but I also really like that genre because it’s really cool and really imaginative.
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