Air Force One (film)

1997 film directed by Wolfgang Petersen
(Redirected from Air Force One)

Air Force One is a 1997 action movie in which a group of terrorists take the President of the United States hostage aboard his private jet.

The dead remember our indifference; the dead remember our silence. ~ James Marshall
What arrogance to think you could ever understand my intentions. ~ Ivan Korshunov
Directed by Wolfgang Petersen and written by Andrew W. Marlow.
Impenetrable. Invincible. In Trouble.Taglines

President James Marshall

  • [in Russian, addressing state dinner in Moscow] The dead remember our indifference; the dead remember our silence. [turns back to English] I came here tonight to be congratulated. But today, when I visited the Red Cross camps, overwhelmed by the flood of refugees fleeing the horror of Kazakhstan, I realize I don't deserve to be congratulated. None of us do. The truth is we acted too late. Only when our own national security was threatened did we act. Radek's regime murdered over 200,000 men, women and children and we watched it on TV. We let it happen. People were being slaughtered for over a year and we issued economic sanctions and hid behind the rhetoric of diplomacy. How dare we. The dead remembered: real peace is not just the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice. And tonight I come to you with a pledge to change America's policy. Never again will I allow our political self-interest to deter us from doing what we know to be morally right. Atrocity and terror are not political weapons, and to those who would use them, your day is over. We will never negotiate. We will no longer tolerate and we will no longer be afraid. It's your turn to be afraid.
  • [to a subdued Korshunov] Get off my plane!

Egor Korshunov

  • When you talk to the President, you might remind him that I am holding his wife, his daughter, his chief of staff, his national security advisor, his classified papers, AND his baseball glove!
  • More time? [shoots National Security Advisor] Your national security advisor has just been executed. He's a very good negotiator. He bought you another half-hour.


Air Force General: [After hearing the president ordering them to fire on Air Force One] My God! Is he saying what I think he's saying?
Vice-President Kathryn Bennett: If we're going to act, we have to act now.
Defense Secretary Walter Dean: It's too risky.
Bennett: The president is up there with a gun to his head!
General Northwood: [sulks in his chair] He's asking us to do that? To Air Force One?!
Bennett: He's not asking. Your commander-in-chief has issued a direct order. [leans forward to the general] DO IT!

Vice-President Kathryn Bennett: What are your intentions?
Egor Korshunov: What arrogance to think you could ever understand my intentions.
Bennett: I want to understand what it is that you want.
Korshunov: What do I want...When Mother Russia becomes one great nation again, when the capitalists are dragged from the Kremlin and then shot in the street, when our enemies run and hide in fear at the mention of our name, and when America begs our forgiveness...on that great day of deliverance, you will know what I want.

Egor Korshunov: Madam Vice-President, the time has come for you to show your good faith. I've read your press kits. I understand Air Force One is able to refuel in midair. Well, we need fuel and we need it now.
Vice-President Kathryn Bennett: I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. If you land the plane, we'll trade fuel for hostages-
Korshunov: This is bullshit! It's simple physics. Without fuel, the plane crashes, everybody dies!
Bennett: We're trying to do everything that we can-
Korshunov: [Angrily] Tell me what I want to hear or I will execute a member of the senior staff and continue killing one hostage every minute until the plane crash or refueling plane arrive! [Calmly] Well, what do you say?
Bennett: Fuel's on its way.
Korshunov: [Politely] Thank you.

F-15 Pilot: Sir, pull up! You've got one on your tail.
President James Marshall: Get him off my tail!
F-15 Pilot: Missile away. Air Force One, break left and climb!
Major Caldwell: Sir, we've lost countermeasures!
F-15 Pilot: This is Halo-2. They've lost countermeasures. I'm going in. [Takes the missile for Air Force One]

[President Marshall is stunned about Agent Gibbs killing his men]
Secret Service Agent Gibbs: Give me the strap!
President James Marshall: I trusted you with my life!
Secret Service Agent Gibbs: So will the next president! [gestures about safety line] Now give it to me!

Liberty Two-Four Pilot: Blue Star... Air Force One is down. I repeat, Air Force One is down!
Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty Two-Four, do you have the president?
[static as Liberty Two-Four crew gradually winches Marshall]
Control Room [Blue Star]: Liberty, DO YOU HAVE THE PRESIDENT?
Liberty Two-Four Pilot: Standby...
[President Marshall is grabbed off the line and taken on board]
Liberty Two-Four crewman: Hang on... WE GOT HIM!!
Liberty Two-Four Pilot: Liberty Two-Four is changing call signs, Liberty Two-Four is now Air Force One! [everybody cheers]
Liberty Two-Four crewman: [at attention, salutes with the rest of the crew] Mr President. Welcome aboard, sir! [Marshall returns salute]


  • Impenetrable. Invincible. In Trouble.
  • The fate of a nation rests on the courage of one man.
  • The most important man, the surest airplane, the most dangerous hijackers...
  • Family Man. Commander-In-Chief. National Hero...Any title worth having is never given. It's earned.
  • Harrison Ford is the President of the United States


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