Adil Shahi dynasty

historical country

The Adil Shahi or Adilshahi, was a Shia Muslim dynasty, founded by Yusuf Adil Shah, that ruled the Sultanate of Bijapur, centred on present-day Bijapur district, Karnataka in India, in the Western area of the Deccan region of Southern India from 1489 to 1686.


  • “While campaigning in Karnataka following the fall of Vijayanagar ‘Ali I’s armies destroyed two or three hundred Hindu temples, and the monarch himself was said to have smashed four or five thousand Hindu images…”
    • Sultãn ‘Alî I ‘Ãdilshãh of Bijapur (AD 1557-1580) Karnataka. Tazkirãtu’I-Mulûk. Richard Maxwell Eaton: Sufis of Bijapur 1300-1700, Princeton (U.S.A.), 1978, p. 68.
  • “And in Mudgal town located 75 miles south-east of Bijapur ‘Ali I tore down two temples and replaced them with ashurkhanas, or houses used in the celebration of Shi’a festivals.”
    • Sultãn ‘Alî ‘Ãdil Shãh I of Bijapur (AD 1558-1580) Mudgal (Karnataka) Wãqi‘ãt-i-Mamalakat-i-Bîjãpur Summarised from the Wãqî’ãt, Vol. III, p. 575 by Richard Maxwell Eaton in his Sufis of Bijapur 1300-1700, Princeton (U.S.A.), 1978, p. 68.
  • “…Ally Adil Shah, at the persuasions of his minister, carried his arms against Bunkapoor. This place was the principal residence of Velapa Ray, who had been originally a principal attendant of Ramraj; after whose death he assumed independence… “…Velapa Ray, despairing of relief, at length sent offers for surrendering the fort to the King, on condition of being allowed to march away with his family and effects, which Ally Adil Shah thought proper to grant, and the place was evacuated accordingly. The King ordered a superb temple within it to be destroyed, and he himself laid the first stone of a mosque, which was built on the foundation, offering up prayers for his victory. Moostufa Khan acquired great credit for his conduct, and was honoured with a royal dress, and had many towns and districts of the conquered country conferred upon him in jageer…245
    • Tãrîkh-i-Firishta by Firishta . Sultãn ‘Alî ‘Ãdil Shãh I of Bijapur (AD 1557-1579) Bankapur (Karnataka)
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