Abu al-Hassan al-Kharaqani
Iranian Sufi (963–1033)
Abu al-Hassan al-Kharaqani or Abu al-Hassan Ali ibn Ahmad (or ibn Jaʻfar) ibn Salmān al-Kharaqāni (963— 5 December 1033) is one of the master Sufis of Iran.

editThe Sayings and Teachings of the Great Mystics of Islam (2002)
edit(Muhammad Riaz Qadiri: The Sayings and Teachings of the Great Mystics of Islam, Gujranwala, Pakistan, 2004)
- It is veils that wrap past, present and future time from your view. When the veils are withdrawn one can see all.
- p. 93
- When people seek the Lord with earnestness and are lost to themselves, God is met.
- p. 93
- That Muslim is not praiseworthy who worships and keeps fasts, but he is to be praised in whose scroll of destiny no sin is recorded during the course of a lifetime. And when that stage is reached he fears God and maintains humility.
- p.93
- Whosoever by God's grace sees Him sees not creatures. He who attains to the vision of the Lord is lost to himself.
- p. 93
- O seeker, never think ya hath gained illumination, until for seventy years successively you experience that whilst standing in prayers in Khurasan, you are offering obeisances and bowing in Makkah, and all the treasures of heaven and earth lie bare before your eyes and in spite of all that remain humble and ever in fear lest the Lord many not accept your worship.
- p. 93
- There are some devotees of the Lord who are His beloveds. When they call Him by name, all the birds of air and beasts of the forest stand in silence whilst the angels in heaven shudder and the earth and the heaven and illuminated. Such is the majesty of the utterance of the Name by them that the earth stans quaking.
- p. 93
- None could tread one step successfully in the Path without the help of the Lord. One could never succeed by one's personal effort and perseverance.
- p. 94
- Dwell in the company of the Lord and forsake the company of the world because one should associate oneself with a friend and there is no friend superior to the Lord.
- p. 94
- Some of the friends of the Lord seated in the world can read the scroll of destiny.
- p. 94
- God bestows His anguish (Pain) on the enlightened one.
- p. 94
- When the Lord leads one to the Path, he dwells in the Plane of Unity with Him (Tawḥīd) and none expect God knows about his state.
- p. 94
- If in any community a person gains enlightenment and nearness of God, God in His grace for his sake forgives the whole community its transgressions.
- p. 94
- Everybody wants to take something to eternity from this world, but there is nothing in this that can find a passage there except egolessness.
- p. 94
- A Sufi does not need the light of the sun or the moon, for the Effulgence of the Lord is with him and it is brighter than that of all satellites.
- p. 94
- Whom the Lord guides, the Path is shortened for him.
- p. 94
- The greatest activity is the remembrance and recollection of the Lord and after that come, in order of preference, purity of life, charity and austerity.
- p. 94
- He who sacrifices his honor for the sake of the Lord, the Lord thereafter cloaks him with the garment of His honor.
- p. 94
- Continue spiritual practices till the spiritual practices themselves abandon you.
- p.94
- God's love claims him whose heart is reduced to ashes for Him.
- p. 95