A Broken People's Playlist

short story collection by Chimeka Garricks

A Broken People's Playlist is a a collection of short stories written by Chimeka Garricks, each story flows into the other easily. From its poignant beginning in “Lost Stars” a love story and it’s fleeting, transient nature to the gritty, raw musical prose captured in “In The City”, a tale of survival set in the alleyways of the waterside. A Broken People’s Playlist is a mosaic of stories about living, loving and hurting through very familiar sounds, in very familiar ways and finding healing in the most unlikely places.


  • They will ask me when I first knew I was in love with you. I will sign and say I don't know. It happened in fragments, piece by piece, separate moments over the years.
  • Moments - that's how I remember it. They will be surprised when I say you are the only man I have ever loved.
  • Then he slapped me. I was used to my father beating my mother. He did it almost with a nonchalance that came from regular practice and confidence in her perpetual surrender. But I am not my mother. I slapped Victor ― so hard, my wrist almost snapped and the pain volted up my arm.
