2008 Bangalore serial blasts

terrorist attack in Bangalore, India

2008 Bangalore serial blasts occurred on 25 July 2008 in Bangalore, India. A series of nine bombs exploded in which one person was killed and 20 injured. According to the Bangalore City Police, the blasts were caused by low-intensity crude bombs triggered by timers.


  • When the country was still picking up the pieces after the Jaipur blasts in May, the next chapter of bloodshed happened. On 25 July 2008, Bengaluru was devastated with 9 blasts around the city, which killed 2 people and injured 20. The terrorists failed to unleash the large-scale destruction they had imagined because most of the explosives were of low intensity. No terror outfit came forward to accept responsibility for these blasts. The needle of suspicion pointed towards the usual culprits—HuJI, Jaish-e-Mohammed, SIMI and Lashkar. The investigators claimed that the terrorists not only wanted to terrorise the citizens of Bengaluru, but also to send a message to the US. Being a software hub, Bengaluru has many US-based software companies which have business interests in the city. The modus operandi of these blasts was quite similar to that of the twin explosions in Hyderabad. Notably, the same type of low-intensity explosives was also used in Malegaon and Mecca Masjid
    • Tiwari, D. P., (2019). The great indian conspiracy. London : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.