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Pete Doherty quotes edit

An editor using this IP address has been adding a number of quotes to Pete Doherty. Based on the edit pattern (adding one quote at a time, tweaking others, all with substantial time between), I deduce that you are reading material that you are excerpting from. If this is coming from a book or an official or otherwise reliable website, could you specify exactly where this material can be found (e.g., web address, book/magazine title, edition/issue, page number)? We require that material ultimately be properly sourced, and I don't want to miss an opportunity to get sources from someone who may have them right in front of them. Thank you for any assistance you can provide. ~ Jeff Q (talk) 07:21, 26 December 2006 (UTC)Reply

Hey there,
I'm the person who has been editing the Pete Doherty quotes. I have hundreds of articles on Pete Doherty and his bands (most with cited sources) saved on a Microsoft Word document on my computer. That's where I've been reading through articles and searching for quotes. :) 21:24, 26 December 2006 (UTC)LinneaReply
Could you please add the sources that you have to the quotes? They would greatly help editors verify and correct quotes, an essential part of our quote compliation process. And it would also help to identify information that may not be obvious to non-fans, like what "NME" means. (Many editors who research quote origins and verify material are not experts on the subject, but are just confirming that the material matches what the sources say.) Thank you. ~ Jeff Q (talk) 02:56, 27 December 2006 (UTC)Reply