Angelic Ethics vs Arrogant Elitism

I do believe that every person, every thing and every event has angelic roles to perform, in the sense of being messengers and indicators and indications of Truth — often in ways which are not easily perceived by most, and in some ways never perceived or even perceivable by some.
I also believe that various sorts of diverse elites can, and do, and must exist — and be influential in diverse ways — but ANY effort towards absolutist rule of ANY one group or ANY individual human beings over others by ANY forms of arguments, rationales, or excuses, whether subtly or overtly authoritarian or nihilistic in character are a form of extreme error and evil born of MANY types of ignorance and confusion.

We may fight against what is wrong, but if we allow ourselves to hate, that is to insure our spiritual defeat and our likeness to what we hate.

~ Æ ~

Æ is a name which was used by a very perceptive and interesting artist and author of essays and poetry, as well as ligature which I have found interesting and appealing for various reasons since I was a young child, as a fusion of the alphabetical symbols A & E, which are letters I have used in signiicant acronyms and word play such as I have engaged in at may times throughout my life. Most often in devising acronyms for my amusement or for my notes on various subjects, I develop these for various positive and beneficial notions, but also usually think of words to use in divergent or contrary acronyms as well, as exercises in diminishing the influence or strength of absolutist and authoritarian presumptions often at work in the minds of many, and promoting respect for the insights of absurdist ambiguities, and the necessity of employing pragmatic processes of determination in providing or interpreting sincere expressions and indications of truth, and exposing various methods and means of malignant and malicious deceitfulness. I plan to present a few ideas here later, on a few subjects of crucial importance in my considerations of many diverse things, but at present have to attend to a few other things, and will get back to it a bit later. ~ Kalki·· 00:38, 24 February 2015 (UTC) + tweaks