Toy Story

1995 American animated film

Toy Story is a CGI film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, released by Walt Disney Pictures in 1995. It was directed by John Lasseter, and is the first feature length CGI film ever made.

Don't yank my string!(taglines)

Buzz Lightyear

To infinity and beyond!
  • To infinity and beyond!
  • Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!


  • Reach for the sky!
  • There's a snake in my boot.
  • Buzz, look, an alien!
  • [while Sid is surrounded by his own toys, through voice box] From now on, you must take good care of your toys! Because if you don't, we'll find out, Sid. We toys can see [his head spins itself] everything! [comes to life] So play nice.

Mr. Potato Head

  • That's Mr. Potato Head to you, you back-stabbing murderer!


[first lines; Andy Davis playing with his toys]
Andy (as Mr. Potato Head): All right, everyone! This... is a stick-up! Don't anybody move! Now, empty that safe!
[Hamm is emptied by Andy]
Andy (as Mr. Potato Head): Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money! [kisses money]
Andy (as Bo Peep): Stop it! Stop it, you mean old potato!
Andy (as Mr. Potato Head): Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over.
Andy (as sheep): Help! Baa! Help us!
Andy (as Bo Peep): Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!
[Andy brings Sheriff Woody over]
Woody: [voice-box] Reach for the sky!
Andy (as Mr. Potato Head): Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!
Andy (as Woody): I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.
Andy (as Mr. Potato Head): Doh! How'd you know it was me?
Andy (as Woody): Are you gonna come quietly?
Andy (as Mr. Potato Head): You can't touch me, Sheriff! [pulls up Slinky Dog] I brought my attack dog, with a built-in force field.
Andy (as Woody): [pulls up Rex the Dinosaur] Well, I brought my dinosaur, who eats force-field dogs.
[Rex the Dinosaur pretends to eat Slinky Dog]
Andy (as Woody): You're going to jail, Bart! Say goodbye to the wife and tater tots.
[Andy puts Mr. Potato Head in Molly's crib; Molly picks up Mr. Potato Head]
Molly: [giggles excitedly]
[Molly starts playing with Mr. Potato Head]
Molly: [laughs]
Andy: You saved the day again, Woody.
Woody: [voice-box] You're my favorite deputy.
Singer: You've got a friend in me / You've got a friend in me.
Andy: Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle.
Singer: When the road looks rough ahead / And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed.
Andy: Round 'em up, cowboy!
Singer: Just remember what you're old pal said / Boy, you've got a friend in me.
Andy: Yee-haw!
Singer: Yeah, you've got a friend in me.
Andy: Hey, cowboy.
Singer: Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am / Big and stronger too.
Andy: Come on, Woody.
[Andy brings Woody downstairs]
Singer: Maybe / But none of them will ever love you the way I do / It's me and you, boy / And as the years go by.
Andy: [spins on chair] Whoa! Whoa! [laughs]
Singer: Our friendship will never die.
Andy: Whoo!
Singer: You're gonna see it's our destiny / You've got a friend in me.
Andy: [throws Woody onto another chair] All right!
Singer: Yeah, you've got a friend in me.
Andy: Score!
Singer: You got a friend in me.
Andy: [to his mom] Wow! Cool!
Andy's Mom: What do you think?
Andy: Oh, this looks great, Mom!
Andy's Mom: Okay, birthday boy...
Andy: We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!
Andy's Mom: I hope I have enough places.
Andy: Wow, look at that! That's so...
Andy's Mom: One, two... Four.
Andy: Oh, my gosh, you got...
Andy's Mom: Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough.
Andy: Could we leave this up 'til we move?
Andy's Mom: Well, sure! We can leave it up.
Andy: Yeah!
Andy's Mom: Now go get Molly. Your friends are gonna be here any minute.
Andy: Okay. It's party time, Woody. Yee-haw!
[Andy goes upstairs]
Molly: [squeals]
Andy [as Woody]: Howdy, little lady.
Molly: [squeals]
Woody: [voice-box] Somebody's poisoned the water hole.
Andy: Come on, Molly [picks her up] Oh, you're getting heavy.
Molly: [cooing]
Andy: See you later, Woody. [leaves]

[Mr. Potato Head rearranges his facial features crazily]
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, Hamm. Look, I'm Picasso!
Hamm: I don't get it.
Mr. Potato Head: You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?
[toys move around]
Woody: Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky?
Sarge: Sir! No, sir!
Woody: Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.
[Woody climbs off the bed]
Woody: Hey, uh, Slinky?
[Slinky Dog appears from under the bed with a checkerboard]
Slinky: Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.
Woody: No. S-Slink...
Slinky: Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.
Woody: Not now, Slink. I got some bad news.
Slinky: Bad news?
Woody: Shh, shh, shh! Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy.
Slinky: Got it.
Woody: Be happy.
Slinky: Ha, ha, ha, ha! [walks away]
Woody: Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium duty.
Robot: Hey. [jabbers]
Woody: Hey, Etch. Draw!
[Etch draws a gun]
Woody: Oh! Got me again. Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the West.
Slinky: Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.
Woody: Now where is that... Oh. Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?
[Rex roars at Woody]
Woody: [in a bored tone] How ya doin', Rex?
Rex: [stops roaring; calmly] Were ya scared? Tell me honestly.
Woody: I was close to being scared that time.
Rex: I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it. I think I'm just coming off as annoying.

[Woody walks over to the podium (a Playskool Tinkertoy container) and stands. Mike, a speaker with a microphone attached, clears his throat to get Woody's attention and held out his microphone]
Woody: Oh, thanks, Mike.
[He picks up the microphone. Feedback is heard]
Woody: Okay, whoa. Step back.
Hamm: [Off-screen] For crying out loud.
[Mike steps back until the feedback fades away]
Woody: Okay. Thank you. [blows into the microphone] Hello. Check. That better? Great. Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great. Okay, first item today: uh, oh, yeah... has everyone picked a moving buddy?
[The other toys are surprised]
Other toys: What?
Hamm: Moving buddy? You can't be serious.
Rex: Well, I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.
Mr. Potato Head: [holding one of his arms] Do we have to hold hands?
[The other toys laugh]
Woody: Oh, yeah. You guys think this is a big joke. We've only got one week left before the move. I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy. If you don't have one, get one! All right, next. Uh, oh, yes. Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting... was, I think, a big success, and we want to thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us. Thank you, Mr. Spell.
Mr. Spell: You're welcome.
Woody: Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here. [reads quietly] Andy's birthday party has been moved to today. Uh, next we have...
[The other toys are shocked]
Rex: What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not 'til next week!
Hamm: What's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?
Woody: Well, obviously, she wanted to have the party before the move. [to the other toys] I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.
Mr. Potato Head: Of course Woody ain't worried. He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten.
Slinky: Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.
[Mr. Potato Head looks at Mr. Spell, pointing at Slinky's butt then pulls out his mouth and tap his butt with it whilst Mr. Spell laughs]
Slinky: If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me. Woody has never steered us wrong before.
Woody: Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.
Rex: But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one? I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!
Woody: Hey, listen. No one's getting replaced. This is Andy we're talking about. It doesn't matter how much we're played with.
[Woody gestures Mike to move to him since the microphone's wire is stretched too far]
Woody: What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us. That's what we're made for, right?
Hamm: Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but... THEY'RE HERE!! BIRTHDAY GUESTS AT THREE O'CLOCK!!
[The other toys scream]
Woody: Stay calm, everyone!
[The toys run to the window passing Woody in a panic]
Other toys: Hey!
[Mike even joins in the panic, taking the microphone out of Woody's hand]
Woody: Uh, meeting adjourned.
[The other toys get to the window to see what's going on]
Hamm: Ho, boy, will you take a look at all those presents?
Mr. Potato Head: I can't see a thing.
[He pick out his two eyes and lifts them above the toys to see Andy's friends bringing in presents]
Hamm: Yes, sir. We're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.
Rex: Any dinosaur shaped ones?
Hamm: Oh, for crying out loud. They're all in boxes, you idiot.
Rex: They're getting bigger!
Slinky: Wait, there's a nice little one over there.
Child: Hi!
[The boy holding the present turns to the other kid, revealing his present to be really long and making the toys panic. All toys scream in the process]
Mr. Spell: Spell: trash can.
Rex: We're doomed!
Woody: All right. All right! If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?
Rex: Yes! Yes! We promise!
Woody: Okay! Save your batteries.
Hamm: Eh, very good, Woody. That's using the old noodle.

[Woody jumps onto the bed and looks at Sarge]
Woody: Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red! You know what to do.
Sarge: Yes, sir! [jumps down from the table and onto one of the drawers] All right, men. You heard him. Code Red! Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute! Let's move! Move, move, move, move!
[bucket of soldiers opens]
Sarge: All right, men. You heard him. Code Red! Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute. Let's move! Move, move, move, move!
[soldiers exit Andy's room with a walkie-talkie]
Andy's Mom: Okay, come on, kids. Everyone in the living room. It's almost time for the presents.
[soldiers go downstairs]
Hamm: All right, gangway, gangway.
[Woody turns on the other walkie-talkie]
Woody: And this is how we find out what is in those presents.
Andy's Mom: Okay, who's hungry?
[soldiers freeze in position]
Andy's Mom: Here come the chips! I've got cool ranch and barbecue! [steps on soldier, injuring him] Ow! What in the world... Oh! I thought I told him to pick these up. [pushes soldiers aside]
Rex: Shouldn't they be there by now? What's taking them so long?
Woody: Hey, these guys are professionals. They're the best. Come on! They're not lying down on the job.
[camera cuts to soldiers, who continue forward to the recon site (a plant)]
Injured soldier: G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!
Sarge: A good soldier never leaves a man behind!
[soldiers transport walkie-talkie downstairs; Sarge and the injured soldier climb into the plant]
Andy's Mom: Okay, everybody, come on. Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody... You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there. Good. And... Which present are you gonna open first?
[soldiers turn on the walkie-talkie]
Sarge: There they are.
[camera cuts to Andy's room]
Sarge (through walkie-talkie): Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo. Come in, Mother Bird
Woody: This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet!
Sarge: All right, Andy's opening the first present now.
Mr. Potato Head: Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Hey, I can dream, can't I?
Sarge: The bow's coming off. He's ripping the wrapping paper. It's a... It's... It's a... a lunch box. We've got a lunch box here.
Woody: A lunch box?
Mr. Potato Head: Lunch box?
Slinky: For lunch. [laughs]
Sarge: Okay, second present. It appears to be... Okay, it's bed sheets.
Mr. Potato Head: Who invited that kid?
[camera cuts to living room; stack of presents slowly disappears]
Andy's Mom: Oh, only one left.
[camera cuts to Andy's room]
Sarge: Okay, we're on the last present now.
Woody: Last present!
Sarge: It's a big one. It's a... It's a board game! Repeat, Battleship!
[toys start celebrating]
Rex: Whew!
Hamm: Hallelujah! Yeah! All right! [bumps into Mr. Potato Head]
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, watch it!
Hamm: Sorry there, old spud head.
[camera cuts to troops]
Sarge: Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We're goin' home.
[camera cuts to Andy's room]
Woody: So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin' to worry about.
Slinky: I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted ya for a second.
[camera cuts to troops]
Andy's Mom: Wait a minute. Oh! What do we have here?
Sarge: Wait! Turn that thing back on!
[camera cuts to Andy's room]
Sarge: Come in, Mother Bird! Come in, Mother Bird! Mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet. [camera cuts to troops] Andy's opening it. He's really excited about this one. It's a huge package.
Andy: Mom, what is it? [gasps]
[camera cuts to Andy's room]
Sarge: Oh, get outta the... One of the kids is in the way. I can't see. It's a... [static]
Rex: It's a what? What is it?
[Rex shakes the table, causing the walkie-talkie to fall to the ground and the batteries to pop out]
Rex: Oh, no!
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, ya big lizard! Now we'll never know what it is!
Hamm: Way to go, Rex!
[Mr. Potato Head tries to insert the batteries]
Woody: No, no! Turn 'em around! Turn 'em around!
Hamm: He's puttin' 'em in backwa... Here, you're puttin' 'em in backwards!
Woody: Plus is positive, minus is negative! Oh, let me!
[camera cuts to troops]
Andy: Let's go to my room, guys!
Sarge: Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs!
[camera cuts to Andy's room; Woody successfully inserts batteries]
Sarge: Juvenile intrusion! Repeat, resume your positions now!
Woody: Andy's coming! Everybody, back to your places! Hurry!
Hamm: Get to your places! Get to your places!
Mr. Potato Head: Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?
Rex: Out of my way! Here I come! Here I come!

Mr. Potato Head: What is it?
Bo Peep: Can you see it?
Slinky: What the heck is up there?
Rex: Woody, who's up there with ya?
[Woody comes out from under the bed]
Slinky: Woody? What are you doing under the bed?
Woody: Uh, nothing. Uh, nothing. I'm sure Andy was just a little excited, that's all. Too much cake and ice cream, I suppose. It's just a mistake!
Mr. Potato Head: Well, that mistake is sitting in your spot, Woody. [chuckles]
Rex: [gasps] Have you been replaced?!
Woody: Hey, what did I tell you earlier? No one is getting replaced. Now, let's all be polite and give whatever it is up there a nice, big Andy's-room welcome.
[Woody climbs on top of bed, sees Buzz Lightyear. Buzz Lightyear wakes up and turns around]
Buzz: [presses button] Buzz Lightyear to Star Command. Come in, Star Command. [tries other button] Star Command, come in. Do you read me? [releases button] Why don't they answer? [gasps] My ship! Blast! This'll take weeks to repair. [opens mission log] Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2. My ship has run off course en route to sector 12. I've crash-landed on a strange planet. The impact must've awoken me from hypersleep. Terrain seems a bit unstable. No readout yet if the air is breathable. And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.
Woody: Hello!
[Buzz attacks Woody]
Woody: Whoa! H-hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Did I frighten you? Didn't mean to. Sorry. Howdy. My name is Woody. And this is Andy's room. That's all I wanted to say. And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up. This is my spot, see, the bed here.
[Buzz notices Woody's badge and stops attacking]
Buzz: Local law enforcement. It's about time you got here. I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit. My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.
Woody: Yes, it is a mistake because, you see, the bed here is my spot.
Buzz: I need to repair my turbo boosters. Do you people still use fossil fuels, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?
Woody: Well, let's see. We got double-A's.
[Slinky and Rex climb onto the bed]
Buzz: [seeing something and gasps] Watch yourself! Halt! Who goes there?!
Rex: Don't shoot! It's okay. Friends.
Buzz: Do you know these life-forms?
Woody: Yes! They're Andy's toys.
Buzz: All right, everyone, you're clear to come up.
[toys come up onto the bed]
Buzz: I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.
Rex: [shaking Buzz's hand] Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!
Buzz: Wh-why, thank you! Now, thank you all for your kind welcome.
Rex: Say, what's that button do?
Buzz: I'll show you.
[presses the button]
Buzz: [voice-box] Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
Toys: Oh!
Slinky: Hey, Woody's got something like that. His is a pull string. Only it's...
Mr. Potato Head: Only it sounds like a car ran over it.
[Woody holds his pull string]
Hamm: Oh, yeah, but not like this one. This is a quality sound system. Probably all copper wiring, huh? So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong?
Buzz: Well, no. I'm actually stationed at the Gamma Quadrant, Sector Four. As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps, I protect the Galaxy from the threat of invasion from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance!
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.
Rex: And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel. I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased in a leverage buyout.
Woody: You'd think they'd never seen a new toy before.
Bo Peep: Well, sure. Look at him. He's got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army Knife.
[Slinky activates Buzz's laser]
Buzz: Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful. You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off.
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, a laser! How come you don't have a laser, Woody?
Woody: It's not a laser! It's a... It's a little lightbulb that blinks.
Hamm: What's with him?
Mr. Potato Head: Laser envy.
Woody: All right. That's enough! Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy.
Buzz: Toy?
Woody: T-O-Y. Toy!
Buzz: Excuse me. I think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger."
Woody: The word I'm searching for; I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.
Mr. Potato Head: Gettin' kinda tense, aren'tcha?
Rex: Uh, Mr. Lightyear, uh, now, I'm curious. What does a space ranger actually do?
Woody: He's not a Space Ranger! He doesn't fight evil or, or shoot lasers or fly!
Buzz: Excuse me. [pushes button that reveals wings]
Other toys: Ooh!
Hamm: Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good!
Woody: Oh, what? What? These are plastic. He can't fly!
Buzz: They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly.
Woody: No, you can't.

Mr. Potato Head: Man, the dolls must really go for you. Can you teach me that?
Slinky: [laughs] Golly bob howdy!
Woody: Oh, shut up! You know, in a couple of days, everything will be just the way it was. They'll see. They'll see. I'm still Andy's favorite toy.
[Montage of Buzz replacing Woody begins]
Singer: I was on top of the world living high / It was right in my pocket.
Andy: [laughs] Whoa!
Singer: I was livin' the life / Things were just the way they should be / When from out of the sky like a bomb / Comes some little punk in a rocket / Now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to me.
Andy: Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
Singer: Strange / Things are happening to me / Strange / Things / Strange things are happening to me / Ain't no doubt about it / I had friends, I had lots of friends / Now all my friends are gone / And I'm doin' the best I can / To carry on / I had power.
Chorus: Power!
Singer: I was respected.
Chorus: Respected!
Singer: But not any more / And I've lost the love of the one / Whom I adore.

Woody: Will Andy pick me?
[He shakes the Magic 8 Ball and a message appears, saying "Don't count on it"]
Woody: Don't count on it?! [groans in anger]
[Mr. Potato Head and Hamm who are playing a game of cards down below, hear Woody groaning in frustration. Woody yells and throws the ball down and it rolls over the desk and falls behind it. The thud caught Woody's attention and he looks down to see the ball wedged at the bottom. He turns his attention to Buzz who is looking for some "tools" to fix his ship. Woody then sees RC asleep on top of some boxes and a funny grin comes to his face as he got an idea on how to get Andy's attention to him]
Woody: Buzz!! Oh, Buzz, Buzz Lightyear!! Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness! We've got trouble!
Buzz: Trouble? Where?
Woody: [pointing to the place where the ball fell] Down there. Just down there. A helpless toy... it's... it's trapped, Buzz!
Buzz: Then we have no time to lose!
[As Buzz runs to the spot, Woody tiptoed over to RC and grabs his remote whilst starting him up, opening his eyes in the progress]
Buzz: I don't see anything.
Woody: Oh, he's there. Just, just keep looking!
[He sends RC towards Buzz at full throttle]
Buzz: What kind of a toy...?
[Buzz sees RC coming, gasps and jumps out of the way just as RC hits the bulletin board. Mr. Potato Head gasps as the pushpins fall down and land around Buzz leaving him unharmed. Then the board falls on the globe and it rolls towards Buzz who runs from it like Raiders of the Lost Ark. Woody watches in horror as Buzz runs from the globe but trips on some colored pencils and falls. He rolled over to the windowsill out of its way and the globe rolls past him and hit a table lamp which swung around. Woody ducked his head to avoid getting hit by the lamp but Buzz wasn't so lucky as it knocks him out the window. Buzz's the sound of Wilhelm scream like a man in pain sound effect as he flies out]
Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, and Slinky: BUZZ!
[Rex screams]
Woody: Buzz!

Buzz: I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.
Woody: Oh. Well, that's good.
Buzz: [puts his head against Woody’s] But we're not on my planet. Are we?
Woody: No.
[Woody and Buzz start fighting]
Woody: Okay. Come on! You want a piece of me?
[Woody hitting Buzz and squeezes his head, and closes his helmet]
Woody: Ow!
Buzz: [voice-box] Buzz... Buzz... Buzz Lightyear to the rescue.
Woody: Ah-ow!
Andy's Mom: Next stop...
Andy: Pizza Planet. Yeah!
Woody: Andy!
[Woody and Buzz were left behind at a Dinoco gas station]
Woody: Doesn't he realize that I'm not there? [gasps loudly and knees on ground, sobbing] I'm a lost toy!
[pause; as Woody sobs]
Buzz: [to his "intercom"] Buzz Lightyear mission log. The local sheriff and I seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort.
Woody: [growling] YOU!
[Woody angrily starts running to Buzz, but a Dinoco oil tanker truck's honking noise is heard and they look up. Buzz hides while Woody lays down. The truck stops, inches from Woody. He gets up and bumps into Buzz from behind.]
Buzz: According to my navi-computer, the...
Woody: [quietly] Shut up! Just shut up, you idiot!
Buzz: Sheriff, this is no time to panic! [closes his "intercom"]
Woody: This is the perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone, they're gonna move from their house in two days, and it's all your fault!
Buzz: My fault?! If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...
Woody: Oh, yeah?! Well, if you hadn't shown up in your stupid little cardboard spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me...
Buzz: Don't talk to me about importance! Because of you, the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy!
Woody: WHAT?! What are you talkin' about?!
Buzz: Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg has been secretly building a weapon with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet! I alone have information that reveals his weapon's only weakness. And you, my friend, are responsible for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!
Woody: YOU... ARE... A... TOY!!! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're an action figure! You are a child's plaything!
Buzz: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell. [salutes and exits]
Woody: Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony! [sarcastically] "Rendezvous with Star Command."
Pizza Deliverer: Hey, gas dude!
Attendant: You talking to me?
Pizza Deliverer: Yeah, man.

[As the camera shifts to Sid's house, the scene changes to morning]
Sid: [as Interrogator] Oh, a survivor. Where's the rebel base? Talk!
[He slaps Woody to the ground and walks over to the window]
Sid: [as Interrogator] I can see your will is strong.
[He opens the blinds blocking the sun]
Sid: Well, we have ways of making you talk.
[He took out a magnifying glass and uses it to aim the sunlight on Woody's forehead, making it smolder]
Sid: [as Interrogator] Where are your rebel friends NOW? [sinister chuckle]
Sid's Mom: Sid, your Pop Tarts are ready.
Sid: Alright!
[He runs out of the room and drops the magnifying glass in the process. Woody unfreezes and feels the burning on his forehead. Woody screams and runs to a bowl of half-eaten cereal (with milk) on the floor, and dunks his head in. Buzz runs over to Woody, pausing to remove two suction cup darts from his person before pulling Woody out of the bowl. Two colorful Froot-Loops stick to each of Woody's eyes like glasses]
Buzz: Are you alright? I'm proud of you, Sheriff. A lesser man would've talked under such torture.
[Woody picks up a spoon and looks at the smolder in his reflection]
Woody: I sure hope this isn't permanent.
Buzz: [checking his wrist communicator] Still no word from Star Command. We're not that far from the spaceport.
[Woody sees the door in the reflection of the spoon. It was open]
Woody: The door! It's open! We're free!!
Buzz: Woody, we don't know what's out there!
Woody: I'll tell you wha... [screams]
[The mutant toys block the way and Woody ducks behind Buzz]
Woody: They're gonna eat us, Buzz!! Do something! Quick!
Buzz: Shield your eyes!
[Buzz fires his laser at Babyface but it just flickers on his forehead which surprises and shocks Buzz, when the mutant toys are blocking the way]
Buzz: It's not working! I recharged it before I left. It should be good for hours--
Woody: Oh, you idiot! You're a toy! Use your karate chop action!
[He presses a button on Buzz's back which makes his right arm move up and down as they advance around the mutant toys toward the door]
Woody: [to mutants] Get away! Hoo-cha! Hoo-cha!
Buzz: Hey! Hey!! How are you doing that? Stop that!
Woody: Back! Back, you savages! Back!
Buzz: Woody, stop it!
Woody: Sorry guys, but dinner's canceled!
[He drops Buzz and ran out into the hallway upstairs]
Woody: There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home...
[He ran down the stairs but then stopped when he saw Scud sleeping on them. He crept back up the stairs slowly as he could. Buzz's hand grabs him over his mouth and pulls him back behind the wall. Woody muffled gasps]
Buzz: Another stunt like that, cowboy, you're going to get us killed.
Woody: Don't tell me what to do!
Buzz: Shhh!
[Buzz checks that Scud is still asleep then darts across the stairwell opening to the other end of the hallway. He motions for Woody to follow. Woody cowardly crawls across the open area behind him to Buzz. As Woody stands up, his pull string gets caught on the curls of the iron railing. The toys start to creep down the hallway, unaware that Woody's pull string has caught on the railing. Then Woody's pull string comes loose and his voice box starts up]
Woody: [voice-box] Yeeeehaaaw!! Giddy-up partner!... We got to get this wagon train a movin'!
[The noise from the voice box wakes Scud up and he follows it up the steps. Woody and Buzz look worried]
Buzz: Split up!
[Buzz dives into a room while Woody jumps into a closet just as Scud reaches the top of the stairs. He heard the door slam and went over to sniff anything suspicious. Buzz skid to hide behind the door. Sensing his movement, Scud walks towards the door as Buzz stood back. Then as Scud moves curiously closer to Buzz, they heard snoring and look up to see Sid's father fast asleep on a La-Z-Boy recliner in front of the TV. Scud then backs out and head down the stairs. Buzz was about to exit the room when he heard a sudden voice]
Announcer: Calling Buzz Lightyear. Come in Buzz Lightyear. This is Star Command. Buzz Lightyear, do you read me?
[Buzz turn to see a commercial on TV to which his logo appears]
Buzz: Star Command!
[He opens his wrist communicator and is about to reply when a child's voice interrupts him]
Boy: Buzz Lightyear responding! Read you loud and clear!
[Buzz looks towards the TV and saw it shows two boys holding a Buzz Lightyear toy in a cardboard spaceship like his own]
Announcer: Buzz Lightyear, planet Earth needs your help!
Boy: On the way!
Chorus: Buzz Lightyear!
[Buzz stares in disbelief as he watches the commercial]
Announcer: The world's greatest superhero! Now the world's greatest toy! Buzz has it all! Locking wrist communicator!
Boy: Calling Buzz Lightyear!
Announcer: Karate chop action!
Boy: Wow!
[With every feature demonstrated on the TV, Buzz compares the same feature on himself]
Announcer: Pulsating laserlight!
Boy: Total annihilation!
Announcer: Multi-phrase voice simulator!
Buzz: [on TV; voice-box] There's a secret mission in uncharted space.
[Buzz presses the same button on his chest and it makes the same phrase the TV Buzz made]
Buzz: [voice-box] There's a secret mission in uncharted space.
Announcer: And best of all... [big "monster truck" voice] HIGH-PRESSURE-SPACE-WINGS!!
Buzz: [on TV] To infinity and beyond!
[The words NOT A FLYING TOY appear at the bottom of the screen]
Announcer: [non-excited lawyer voice] Not a flying toy.
[Buzz slowly shakes his head in wide-eyed disbelief]
Announcer: Get your Buzz Lightyear action figure and save a galaxy near you!
Chorus: Buzz Lightyear!
[The image on the screen changes to a shot of hundreds of Buzzes in their boxes lining either side of a store aisle]
Announcer: Available at all Al's Toy Barn outlets in the tri-county area.
Sportscaster: And welcome back to the Point Richmond Bowling Championship.
[As the commercial ends, Buzz look stricken then opens his wrist communicator. On the underside, he saw three words that said MADE IN TAIWAN. He looks stunned at the truth that Woody was trying to tell him all along. The song "I Will Go Sailing No More" plays as Buzz walks sadly out of the room and down the hallway. As he passes the stairwell, he stops to look at an open window as a bird flies by it. Woody's voice echoes in his head]
Singer: Out among the stars I sail / Way beyond the moon / In my silver ship I sailed / To a dream that ended too soon / Now I know exactly who I am and what I'm here for.
Woody: [voice-over] You are a toy! You can't fly!
[Buzz lowers his head in sadness for a moment before raising it with determination in his eyes. He slams his wrist communicator shut as if he's defying what the words say. He climbs up the railing and stands on top of it before opening his wings. He looks toward the window, determination in proving that he is able to fly and that he's really a space ranger]
Singer: And I will go sailing no more / But no, it can't be true / I could fly if I wanted to / Like a bird in the sky / If I believed I could fly / Why, I'd fly!
Buzz: To infinity and beyond!
[He jumps off the railing and halfway towards the window and he began to fall down towards the stairs and bounce off them and landed on the floor. He sees that his arm has been come off from the impact and was lying next to him. He drops his head back in defeat, finally accepting that he's a toy. As the song ends, Hannah came along, looking for something]
Singer: Clearly, I will go sailing, no more...
Hannah: Mom, Mom, have you seen my Sally doll?
[She steps on Buzz's wing and looks down to see him]
Sid's Mom: What, dear? What was that?
Hannah: Never mind!
[She looks at Buzz with a smile on her face. Back upstairs, the doorknob to the closet jiggles. The door opens and Woody fell off the shelves and onto the floor. A bowling ball hit Woody on the head and rolls away]
Woody: Oof! Buzz, the coast is clear. [shakes his head] Buzz, where are you?
Buzz: [voice-box] There's a secret mission in uncharted space. Let's go.
Hannah: Really? That is so interesting. Would you like some tea, Mrs. Nesbit?
Woody: [gasps] Buzz.
Hannah: It's so nice you could join us on such late notice.
Woody: Oh, no.
Hannah: What a lovely hat, Mrs. Nesbit. It goes quite well with your head.
Woody: Ahem. [in Sid's mother's voice] Hannah! Oh, Hannah!
Hannah: Mom? Please excuse me, ladies. I'll be right back.
[she walks away]
Hannah: What is it, Mom? Mom, where are you?

Sid: Not now, Mom, I'm busy!
Woody: Sid!
Sid's Mom: You left the door open!
Woody: Buzz! Come on, get up! Use your legs!
Sid: Hannah left it open!
Woody: Fine. Let Sid trash you. But don't blame me.
[Woody hides under a milk crate]
Sid: It came! It finally came! [chuckles] The big one. "Extremely dangerous. Keep out of reach of children." COOL... What am I gonna blow? Man...hey, where's that wimpy cowboy doll?
[he looks around]
Sid: Yes! I've always wanted to put a spaceman into orbit. Ha-ha.
[thunder booms]
Sid: Oh, no... Aw, man! [as newscaster] Sid Phillips reporting. Launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions at the launch site. Tomorrow's forecast... Sunny. Ha-ha-ha. Sweet dreams.

[The impact makes RC jumps into the air and back onto the road. Buzz lands on RC, facing backwards. The traffic lights turn red and the wall of cross traffic move from both directions. Buzz looks back to see the lines of traffic in front of him. Buzz screams. Buzz and RC drives straight into the lines of traffic with Scud blindly following them. Scud saw a car slamming on it's brakes on his side and went wide-eyed, realizing his mistake and skids to stop. The car swerves to avoid Scud and crashes into another car. Buzz and RC zipped through before the other cars collide with each other. Soon there is a multi-car pile up that encircles Scud, trapping him. He runs back and forth, trying to find a way out while people in their cars honk their horns at each other and shouting at each other]
Driver #1: Get out of that car!
Driver #2: Move it!
[Buzz look up to see the crash and let out a sigh of relief, both for getting away from Scud and avoid getting hit by the cars. Back on the truck, Rocky holding Woody (still holding the remote) above his head and walk towards the open door]
Woody: No! Wait! You don't understand! Buzz is out there! We've gotta help him!!
[Woody swung his arm and the remote around, accidentally knocks parts and onto the floor]
Mr. Potato Head: Toss him overboard!
Woody: No, no, no, wait! Ah!
[The toys throw Woody out into the road. The toys cheered as the truck rolled away]
Rex: Hooray!
Mr. Potato Head: So long, Woody!

[Woody lights the rocket]
Buzz: You did it! Next stop ― Andy!
Woody: Wait a minute... I just lit a rocket, rockets explode!

[the rocket Woody and Buzz are strapped to launches into the air, taking the two into the sky]
Woody: [screams] This is the part where we blow up!
Buzz: Not today! [activates his wings, breaking free from the rocket, and soars with Woody]
Woody: Hey, Buzz! You're flying!
Buzz: This isn't flying. This is falling… with style!
Woody: [laughs] To infinity and beyond!


  • "Oooh...3-D" (USA 2009 re-release)
  • The toys are back in town.
  • It's light years ahead!
  • The adventure takes off!
  • Hang on for the comedy that goes to infinity and beyond!
  • Watch out for little green men.
  • I'm a nervous Rex!
  • Don't yank my string!
  • Buzz off!
  • Guts of steel
  • Proud to be a vegetable


Main Cast

Additional Voices

About Toy Story

  • I think the subject matter lends itself to the medium very much. When we started "Toy Story" back in 1991, computer graphics tended to make everything look like they were made of plastic, and so it was a natural subject matter. But with computer animation, we were also able to get the detail: the seams on Buzz Lightyear – the little screwheads holding the parts together. There was an embossed '© Disney' on his butt. All those things made it feel like the audience was looking at it going, "Yeah, I believe those are toys."
  • It was the hardest work I've ever done, purely as an actor.
This is how you make these movies, you stand there in front of a microphone and you scream your head off for the better part of six hours, that's my recollection of what it was.

External links

  Encyclopedic article on Toy Story on Wikipedia

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
  Films     Toy Story  (1995) · Toy Story 2  (1999) · Toy Story 3  (2010) · Toy Story 4  (2019)  
  Spin‑offs     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins  (2000) · Lightyear  (2022)  
  Shorts     Hawaiian Vacation  (2011) · Small Fry  (2011) · Partysaurus Rex  (2012)  
  Television     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command  (2000–2001) · Toy Story of Terror!  (2013) · Toy Story That Time Forgot  (2014)  
  Musical     Toy Story: The Musical  (2008)  
  Characters     Sheriff Woody · Buzz Lightyear · Jessie