The Intern (2015 film)

2015 film by Nancy Meyers

The Intern is a 2015 American comedy film directed by Nancy Meyers. The film was released on September 25, 2015 by Warner Bros.

Ben Whittaker edit

  • I just know there's a hole in my life and I need to fill it… soon.
  • I still have music in me, absolutely positive about that!
  • Back in action. Thank god!
  • This big, wonderful thing you've created: It's a dream, isn't it? ...And you're gonna give that up in the hopes that your husband will stop having an affair? I don't see how that adds up. You should feel nothing but great about what you've done, and I'd hate to see you let anyone take that away from you.

Jules Ostin edit

  • The truth is… something about you makes me feel calm, or more centered, or something. And I could use that. Obviously.

Dialogue edit

Jules: [alluding to age difference] I'm glad you also see the humor in this.
Ben: [smiles wryly] It would be hard not to.

Jules: [waves to daughter's friend who hides behind her mom's legs] Hi, Maddie.
Paige: [in a stage whisper] Bipolar!

Ben: "You're never wrong to do the right thing."
Jules: Who said that, you?
Ben: Yeah. But I'm pretty sure Mark Twain said it first.

Fiona: I'm Fiona, the house masseuse. Love that there's another oldie but goodie here… How's that, Ben?
Ben: Oh, hmm, oh boy.
Davis: Here you go… You not as old as I thought you were.

Lewis: Okay guys, I'm possiblly heading to Jay-Z and/or Beyoncé's house and I'm in a blouse!
Ben: Wear it, dude. It's an improvement.
Lewis: Not true.
Jason: Big one.

[Group are on way to Jules' mother house to delete an email]
Lewis: This is just like an "Ocean's" Movie! Ben's like the old guy with the big glasses.
Jason: His name is Elliott Gould.
Lewis: You're like George Clooney.
Jason: Thank You.
Lewis: I'm like Matt Damon, since I'm a bit of an outsider.
Davis: [excitedly] Who am I?
Lewis: You are Ben Affleck's brother!
Davis: [dejected] Why aren't I Brad Pitt?
Lewis: I think that's pretty self-explanatory.

[Jason is listening to loud rap music on the stereo. Davis throws himself on the hood and windshield to get Jason's attention]
Jason: [looks up in surprise] Gaaah! Whoa, okay!!

Jules: Nobody calls men "men" anymore. Have you noticed? Women went from "girls" to "women". Men went from "men" to "boys"? This is a problem in the big picture. Do you know what I mean?

Jules: It's 2015, are we really still critical of working moms?

Jules: Mark Zuckerberg never brought in a CEO - and he was a teenager!

Cast edit

External links edit

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