The Casagrandes Movie

2024 animated film directed by Miguel Puga

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The Casagrandes Movie is a 2024 American animated comedy film based on the animated television series and a spinoff of The Loud House. It premiered on Netflix in March 22, 2024.

Dialogue edit

[Mexico, 800 years ago…]
Sisiki: Good evening, daughter. Joyous New Fire to you.
Punguari: [bored; scoffs] Whatever.
Sisiki: Punguari, this is your father's big night. At least pretend to have fun.
Punguari: Ugh, fine. [makes a pretend smile, showing her sharp teeth]
Sisiki: Ay. [turns away from her and watches the town from atop the temple as the sky turns nighttime]
Punguari: Yep, I haven't had this much fun since the Earth festival the humans had at your temple to honor you.
Sisiki: [sighs] We're not having this conversation again. You are a demigod. Period. You are too young to become a full god.
Punguari: I'm 12,000 years old! I'm ready to be a full god with my own temple, my own festival, and all the other god swag that comes with it.
Sisiki: You can't just say it, Punguari. You have to show me and your father that you're mature enough to handle it.
Punguari: I'm totally mature! Remember that week you put me in charge of the moon?
Sisiki: You forgot to raise it three times, and you drew a bunny on it. [the moon still shows a bunny Punguari drew on and she giggles] Becoming a full god is serious business. There's powerful magic involved. If you aren't ready for that responsibility, there can be disastrous repercussions.
Punguari: But if you just give me a chance--
Sisiki: [in P'urhpecha] SILENCE! [casts a silence spell on her daughter; in English] I'm your mother, and I know what's best for you.
[Punguari has a wooden sign over her mouth reading: "Shhh…"]

Punguari: I don't care what my mother says. [enters the portal] I am ready to become a god. [enters a realm with a staircase leading to a wall of masks, and at the very top is her prized artifact: The Mask of Many Faces] And if she won't do it, I'll do it myself! [takes the mask and puts it on, resulting in a burst of light so bright, Sisiki and Chipiri are blinded by it back at their temple; chanting in P'urhpecha] I, Punguari, demigoddess of the moon, summon the power of the mask! [mask splits open, revealing it has granted her own mask; in English, excitedly] Oh, man, this is so awesome! [continues chanting in P'urhpecha] Mask of Many Faces, I beseech you! Give me your magic, MAKE ME A GOD! [a bolt of lightning strikes her from the heavens, magically transforming her into a massive, full-fledged god]
[Sisiki and Chipiri reach the top of the mountain to confront her]
Sisiki: Punguari, no! You're too young!
Punguari: I'm growing up, Mother, whether you like it or not!
Sisiki: You're not ready for this power! [dons her own mask and grows to her daughter's size] Now hand me that mask!
Punguari: Stop telling me WHAT TO DO! [stomps her foot harder on the ground, cracking the earth open beneath her, then blasts her mother down with a bolt of lightning from her palm, and half the parents' temple with lightning]
Sisiki: [seeing the Earth cracking open] She's losing control!
Chipiri: Stop her! I'll buy you some time! [enlarges his arms with fire and begins to pull the cracks back]
Sisiki: [looks back, seeing her daughter laughing maliciously] My daughter, please...

Ronnie Anne: [enters the rooftop of the apartment building; elated] I'm 12!!!! [echoes]
Man: Shut up.
Woman: Be quiet.
Man #2: Go back to bed!
Man #3: Well, happy birthday.
Ronnie Anne: Thanks, one of you! Ignoring the rest! Ronnie Anne, the moment you've been waiting for is finally here! The Summer of 12 starts... NOW!

Maria: When I turned 12, your abuela took me on a trip to visit Mama Lupe in her hometown.
Ronnie Anne: Cool. I bet that was fun.
Maria: The food, the music... it was the greatest adventure of my life. It's something I've always wanted to share with my little girl.
CJ: We're going to Mexico!
Ronnie Anne: Oh, cool! When?
Maria: Right now!
CJ: Start packing!
Ronnie Anne: [shocked] Wait, what?!
Casagrandes: Surprise!
Maria: It's true! I've been saving up. We're all going for the whole summer! Isn't it exciting?
Frida: [flashes her camera in Ronnie Anne's face] Awww, the first picture of my niece after her head exploded with joy!

Ronnie Anne: Mom, we can't go to Mexico.
Maria: What do you mean? Why not?
Ronnie Anne: Because it's my Summer of 12. I had plans, my plans, to do my own stuff. Like hang with Sid, and go to Xtreme Eddie's Sick and Twisted 12 and Over Skatepark.
Maria: Sweetie, Xtreme Eddie can wait. This summer is about you and me.
Ronnie Anne: Don't I get a say in this?

Hector: [as the final page of Maria's itinerary unravels and pokes him in the eye; painfully] ¡AY, MI OJO! [let goes of the steering wheel, and the van swerves off the road before launching off a cliff and into a nearby town while everyone, except Carlos, screams for dear life]

Maria: Check it out, Ronnie Anne! It's just how I remembered it!
Ronnie Anne: [impressed] I could get used to this.

Bobby: Teach me, Master Carlota. Show me the ways of the selfie.

Carlos: That's Mt. Punguari, named after the doomed demigod of P'urhpecha legend. The history of this time is a little sketchy because most…
Frida: Fast forward, honey.
Carlos: Oh, right. Punguari was obsessed with becoming a full god, but her parents forbade it. She snuck away and performed the ritual herself. Then she lost control of the magic and caused the earth to crack open.
Ronnie Anne: [stunned] Whoa.
Carlos: "Whoa!" Exactly! But at the last minute, Punguari's mother, Sisiki, was able to close the earth by turning her daughter into that mountain.
Carl: Harsh.
Don Tacho: But fair.
Mama Lupe: It is said if Punguari escapes the mountain and transforms herself into a full god, an evil, cursed death will rain down upon this valley. [Ronnie Anne gulps in horror] Who wants supper?

Maria: Buenos días, sleepyhead!
Ronnie Anne: [startled] Ah! [groans] Mom, can I please have five more minutes?
Maria: [laughs] No. We have a packed day, so ándale! Tía Frida is painting, the boys are playing Fire Ball, and everyone else is already out back for mask making!

Frida: [screams in agony over her mijos playing Fire Ball while yelling as she tries focusing on painting Mt. Punguari on the easel] Can't you see I'm relaxing?!

Ronnie Anne: Mom, wait! You're not going to believe this. The craziest thing just happened to us. Oh, this is, um, uh... Oh, I guess we ran outta there so fast I didn't catch your name.
Punguari: Oh, yeah. My regular human name. Uh, I mean... my name is... Sha... Ra? [grins awkwardly]
Ronnie Anne: I'm Ronnie Anne.
Maria: Nice to meet you, Shara. Ronnie Anne, can I talk to you over here for a minute? [grabs her daughter by the hand and drags her over]
Ronnie Anne: Mom, listen, it was the freakiest thing! There was an earthquake on the mountain and a million moths flew out of the ground and into the sky!
Maria: Really? I think what you saw is your guilty conscience flying over you and away from you because it's so guilty!
Ronnie Anne: Look, I know I shouldn't have left, but I had these plans with Sid. That doesn't matter now because we need to figure out what that was…
Maria: Well, it matters to me. This was supposed to be our summer together.
Ronnie Anne: No, it was supposed to be my Summer of 12. I told you that, but you never listen. Even now, I tell you I was swarmed by creepy bugs, and you're focused on this other thing.
Maria: Bailing on family events isn't responsible behavior. When you start acting like a 12-year-old, then we can talk.
[Ronnie Anne groans in frustration]
Punguari (Shara): Did you tell her what we saw?
Ronnie Anne: [sighs in exasperation] I tried, but she wouldn't listen.
Shara: At least she didn't turn you into a mountain.
Ronnie Anne: What was that?
Shara: Uh, I said I totally get how you feel. Your mom might not listen, but I will.

Maria: [yells in frustration] Ronnie Anne was supposed to be here with us learning how to make corundas. But of course, another no-show! I brought her here so we could spend time together, and all she wants to do is her own thing.
Rosa: I seem to remember a little girl who did her "own thing" and skipped school without my permission.
Maria: The carnival was only in town for one day. What was I supposed to do?!

Ronnie Anne: HELP!!! Can anyone hear me?! I'm trapped in a secret underground room! That no one knows exists because it's a secret! It's no use. I'm never getting out of here. [starts breaking down sadly] I should've listened to Mom and done family stuff like she wanted. [sobs helplessly]

Ronnie Annie: Okay, I need to tell you guys something, but it's gonna sound a little crazy, but here it goes. [inhales deeply; speaks quickly] That necklace I bought had a magic gem which accidentally woke up Punguari, who was here, but not really, 'cause she was a ghost and still needed the Mask of Many Faces to get her body back, so she pretended to be that girl, Shara, and we found the mask together, and then she trapped me in a secret room under the museum, where for some reason, there's a magic mirror that goes to Mama Lupe's bathroom.
[The Casagrandes gasp in surprise]
Mama Lupe: [laughs; to Paco] I told you that mirror was magic. Pay up!
Maria: It's okay, Ronnie Anne. Just tell us where you are.
Mama Lupe: Don Tacho, get the boat ready!
Don Tacho: No boat. We'll take the plane!

Ronnie Anne: Mom!
Maria: I'm so glad you're safe! See, this is what happens when you go sneaking off.
Ronnie Anne: Are you serious right now? [accidentally bumps into a vase and it falls down on the floor and breaks] Oops. My bad. [notices a parchment scroll, picks it up from the ground, and opens it] Whoa, what's this?
[The parchment scroll is filled with drawings]
Mama Lupe: It's the story of Punguari. She steals the mask, then cracks open the Earth so she can bring fire and destruction upon the valley.
[Camera zooms in on the drawing of Sisiki petrifying Punguari as Chipiri tires closing the Earth's crack with a giant red arm sticking out from the ground]
Ronnie Anne: Wait a second. She doesn't look like she's doing any of that fire and destruction stuff. [pan down to another drawing of Sisiki and Chipiri battling an enormous flaming demon god] And who's that guy?
Mama Lupe: [gasps in shock of horror] Ucumu!
Rosa: The God of the Underworld? Do you mean…
Ronnie Anne: The legend is wrong! Punguari's not the bad guy, Ucumu is!
[The ground suddenly starts to shake and rumble]
Ronnie Anne, Mama Lupe, Maria, & Rosa: Punguari!
Ronnie Anne: We gotta go!
[Meanwhile… Punguari is standing on top of the mountain, named after herself, about to perform the ritual herself]
Punguari: This time, I will not be stopped! [chanting] I, Punguari, demigoddess of the moon, summon the power of the mask! Mask of Many Faces, I beseech you! Give me your magic, MAKE ME A GOD!

Punguari: Ronnie Anne? You got out! Just in time for my goddess party.
Ronnie Anne: Punguari, you have to stop! If you don't, you'll let out Ucumu!
Punguari: God of the Underworld? [not seeing the problem] That's ridiculous.
Ronnie Anne: It's true! I have proof! You did it before because you weren't ready!
Punguari: Not ready? I'm a god now, Ronnie Anne. You're starting to sound like my mom. And this is a no-mom zone! [turns away]
Ronnie Anne: Punguari, your mom loved you. She wasn't trying to stop you as punishment.
Punguari: Oh, really? She turned me into a mountain… She literally grounded me!
Ronnie Anne: To protect you! [holds up the story parchment scroll] We found this in that secret room where you casually imprisoned me, not cool, BTDubs. This is the truth of what happened to you 800 years ago.
Punguari: [looks at the scroll and gasps in shock at the events of what happened] It's my parents… It can't be… [flashback to the events of 800 years ago in the beginning of the movie]

Sisiki: [petrifying Punguari; on the verge of tears] I'm sorry! I LOVE YOU! [turns her daughter into a mountain, thus saving her from Ucumu; grieving] My daughter.

Chipiri: [after being knocked down by Ucumu] He's too powerful!
Sisiki: We can take him down together!
[The two combine their powers with a flaming chancla, defeating Ucumu]
Chipiri: For Punguari!
[Back to the present; Punguari cries in grief and despair, understanding and learning the truth]
Ronnie Anne: Your parents sacrificed themselves to save everyone. But you didn't know that would happen. It's not your fault.
Punguari: [as she and Ronnie Anne sit on the stairs; remorsefully] She saved me from Ucumu. This whole time, I thought…
Ronnie Anne: Yeah. I guess that's what moms do.

Rosa: Hey, quick question. What's with the giant dog?
Ronnie Anne: Coyote. And that's Punguari, she's cool now.
Punguari: Hey, I've always been cool. Uh, not to be a downer, but we still have a God-of-the-Underworld problem.
Ronnie Anne: Okay, everybody, don't freak out. Bad news: Ucumu is coming. Good news: I think I know how to stop him, but I can't do it alone.
Punguari: But how?
Ronnie Anne: According to this scroll, when Ucumu got out before, Punguari's parents defeated him with a giant flaming chancla.
Punguari: Hey, that's my dad's sacred flame! He kept it in his temple! [scoffs] But who knows where his temple is now?
CJ: I do. Right there!
[Chipiri's temple is revealed with the hacienda on top]
Mama Lupe: [to Don Tacho] I told you the house was on top of an ancient temple! Now pay up!
Ronnie Anne: Awesome! Now we just need a giant chancla.
Maria: Wait, I think I know where it is! It's in front of the museum!

Ronnie Anne: Listen up, everyone. We can do this! [sticks out her hand] Casagrandes on three!
Casagrandes: One, two, three… Casagrandes!

[As Maria, Rosa, Mama Lupe, Lalo, Sergio, and Paco approach the museum…]
Maria: This is the weapon that will defeat Ucumu! If I'm right, this is the tip of a very, very large chancla! Lalo, dig!
[Lalo starts digging as fast as he could]
Ronnie Anne: If we don't make it, you're a good friend, Punguari, and your fur is very soft.
Punguari: Thanks. Now let's kick some magma butt!

Ronnie Anne: Punguari! [runs over to her] Are you okay?
Punguari: My parents, they're alive! [turns around to Ucumu before zooming in on the two jewels, where her parents are sealed in] They're trapped in those jewels! I have to save them!

Ronnie Anne: [fiercely] No one messes with my Summer of 12! [aims Punguari's staff at Ucumu]

Punguari: There's so much destruction. And it's all my fault.
Ronnie Anne: We better make sure he can't come back.
Punguari: I know what to do. Hand me the staff. [Ronnie Anne hands back her staff and looks up at her temple]
Ronnie Anne: [confused] Your temple? But it's everything you've ever wanted.
Punguari: It was.

Punguari: Mom, I was so wrong. This whole time I thought you turned me into a mountain to punish me, but you were saving me.
Sisiki: And now, you saved us.
Chipiri: My daughter, the demigoddess of butt-whooping!
Punguari: [chuckles] I couldn't have done it without my new friend, Ronnie Anne. [Ronnie Anne waves and the plane, carrying her family lands before they all fall to the ground] And her whole family, the Casagrandes.
Casagrandes: [weakly] Hi.
Maria: Ronnie Anne! [runs over to her]
Ronnie Anne: Mom! [they both share a hug] Mom, this was all my fault. None of this would've happened if I hadn't been such a 12-year-old pain in the butt and just listened to you.
Maria: No, we should have listened to each other. I got too wrapped up in my perfect summer and perfect itinerary. I guess I sort of overdid it.
Punguari: [turns to Sisiki] You were right, Mother. [takes off the Mask of Many Faces and removes her gem, reverting back into her own self] I wasn't ready to be a full god. I see that now.
Sisiki: [takes the mask] But if all I do is say no, how will you ever become ready?
Ronnie Anne: I should have cared more about this trip and what it meant to you. But I was only thinking about myself.
Maria: I was too. I wanted to spend time with my little girl, but I guess she's not so little anymore. She's an amazing young woman, who sometimes needs her space.
Punguari: This whole time, I was only thinking about what I wanted.
Sisiki: Sacrificing your temple to save others shows tremendous growth. I'm so proud of you.
Maria: I know I hold you too close sometimes.
Sisiki: It's what moms do.
Maria: But we're also supposed to help you grow.
Sisiki: And ultimately…
Both: [in unison] Let you go.
Maria: When you're 30.
Sisiki: Thousand.

Cast edit

External links edit

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