The Bourne Identity (2002 film)

2002 action film directed by Doug Liman
(Redirected from The Bourne Identity)

The Bourne Identity is a 2002 film starring Matt Damon about an amnesia victim discovering clues to his identity that seem to indicate he is an assassin.

I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred and fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. … How can I know that and not know who I am?
Directed by Doug Liman. Screenplay by Tony Gilroy and William Blake Herron. Based on the novel by Robert Ludlum.
Matt Damon is Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne

I swear to God, if I even feel somebody behind me, there is no measure to how fast and how hard I will bring this fight to your doorstep!
  • I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred and fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of the gray truck outside, and at this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?
  • I swear to God, if I even feel somebody behind me, there is no measure to how fast and how hard I will bring this fight to your doorstep!
    • to Conklin
  • No it's not coming back goddammit that's the point! I've been going through all of this... all of this shit for two days.

Marie Kreutz

  • (Jason is repeatedly pressing the buzzer for his apartment) I guess you're not home.
  • Nobody does the right thing.
  • You have ID? (to Bourne at end of film)


  • I don't like her. I want to go deep.
  • I can't help Jason, unless I know what the problem is!
  • You're US government property! You're a malfunctioning thirty million dollar weapon!
  • You chose the boat as the goddamn strike point!


  • Nykwana Wombosi: If you are going to kill me, kill me dead!
  • The Professor: Look at this. Look at what they make you give.


Giancarlo [ship's doctor]: What's this? You tied these knots? So it starts to come back, eh?
Bourne: No, it doesn't start to come back. The knots, like everything else, I just found the rope and I did it. The same way I can, I can read, I can write. I can add, subtract, I can make coffee, I can shuffle cards, I can set up a chessboard.

Ward Abbott: I was recalling a conversation we had some time ago, talking about Treadstone. I seem to remember Nykwana Wombosi's name might have come up.
Conklin: I'm not sure what we're talking about.
Abbott: Someone tried to take him out. Tried, and failed. Was this Treadstone?
Conklin: You're asking me a direct question?
Abbott: Yes.
Conklin: I thought you were never gonna do that.
Abbott: What happened?
Conklin: Well…we, uh, lost communication with our man.
Abbott: This was almost two weeks ago.
Conklin: We've been working 'round the clock, the whole unit. We've been sleeping down there. Believe me, we're doing everything we can.
Abbott: And you don't let me know this?
Conklin: You never wanted to before.
Abbott: You never made a mistake before.

Marie: With you, you'll probably just forget about me if I stayed here.
Bourne: How could I forget about you? You're the only person I know.

[during a car chase through the streets of Paris]
Bourne: So…
Marie: What?
Bourne: We've got a bump coming up.
[drives their Mini down a flight of stairs]

Abbott: Well, so far, you've given me nothing but a trail of collateral damage from Zurich to Paris. I don't think I could do much worse.
Conklin: Well, why don't you go upstairs and book a conference room? Maybe you can talk him to death.

[last lines; Bourne enters a small shop on a Greek island]
Bourne: This your store?
Marie: Yeah.
Bourne: It's nice. A little hard to find, but...
Bourne: Think I can rent a scooter?
Marie: You have ID?
Bourne: (Bourne smiles) Not really.


  • Matt Damon is Jason Bourne
  • He never asked to be Bourne.
  • He was the perfect weapon until he became the target.
  • Bourne to survive
  • On June 14, danger is Bourne.
  • Danger is Bourne.
  • Who Am I?
  • Who is Jason Bourne?

Major cast

Matt Damon - Jason Bourne
Franka Potente - Marie Kreutz
Chris Cooper - Alexander Conklin
Brian Cox - Ward Abbott
Clive Owen - The Professor
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje - Nykwana Wombosi
Gabriel Mann - Danny Zorn
Julia Stiles - Nicki Parsons

See also
