Ntombi Setshwaelo

Veteran and Equality activist

Ntombi Setshwaelo, veteran and equality activist and counselor and co-founder of Emang Basadi.She was a spokeswoman for Emang Basadi and board member.


  • 'if mama ain't happy, then no one else is'. The same goes for a nation'.https://www.mmegi.bw/ampArticle/25786 Ntombi Setshwaelo: "I've learnt to centre myself" (18 June 2010)
  • 'slow development in the correlation between justice and peace. If you keep the majority of a nation oppressed, it will be detrimental to change' https://www.mmegi.bw/ampArticle/25786 Ntombi Setshwaelo: "I've learnt to centre myself" (18 June 2010)
  • 'I would like to see the elders of society filling the gap so the youth can have a strong sense of identity. I blame previous generations for the lack of this generation's knowledge. We are straddled between old and new' https://www.mmegi.bw/ampArticle/25786 Ntombi Setshwaelo: "I've learnt to centre myself" (18 June 2010)
  • I try to keep a balance, I've learned to centre myself,' https://www.mmegi.bw/ampArticle/25786 Ntombi Setshwaelo: "I've learnt to centre myself" (18 June 2010)
  • We are thrilled, but we still have a long way to go in providing equal opportunities to women in Botswana," https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/ar/node/228421 Army rolls out carpet for women (2006)
  • There is awareness, but there is lack of political will and passion," https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/ar/node/228421 Army rolls out carpet for women(2006)



https://genderlinks.org.za/about-us/who-we-are/board-of-directors/ntombi-setshwaelo/ Ntombi Setshwaelo