Mpho Sebina

Botswana musician

Mpho Sebina is an internationally celebrated artist born in 1989 in a village called Mochudi, Botswana. She studied at Multimedia University of Malaysia where she acquired her honors Degree in International Business where her career in music rooted as she wrote her first debut single titled Loves Light. Mpho Sebina has graced various events by live performances of her greatest hits such as Pula and Black butterfly.


  • I was not always met with great and positive experiences on my journery, there are past hurts and traumas that i had to face and deal with and love is my saviour in times when i feel unworthy on my path.
  • My music is autobiographical. The stuff I’ve written is self-reflection time for me, My music is about the journey to discovering one’s self through this world, I would like to stir up that quest for self, to bring about a healing type of vibe. It’s a lot about overcoming and focusing on the personal stuff. Sometimes we get wrapped in anxiety, myself included. My music is about providing an outlet for listeners to forget.
  • My family has grounded and groomed me into the woman that I am. My siblings and I have parents who continuously support us through our little endeavors. They listen to my music all the time and that reassures me each time.
  • I want to create a place of joy, healing, and peace. Celebrating Africa and our africanness  and at the same time embracing our femininity and masculinity.
  • A lot of people are learning and discovering me as an artist so it has opened up a bigger space for me and a brand new market.
