Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome

1985 film directed by George Miller and George Ogilvie

Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome is a 1985 film in which, after being exiled from the most advanced town in post apocalyptic Australia, a drifter travels with a group of abandoned children to rebel against the town's queen. It is the third installment of the Mad Max film series, about the man who is trying to find his way in a new post-apocalyptic world.

Directed by George Miller and George Ogilvie.
Two men enter. One man leaves.taglines

Aunty Entity edit

  • Remember where you are. This is Thunderdome. Death is listening, and will take the first man that screams.
  • You think I don't know the law? Huh? Wasn't it me who wrote it? And I say this man has broken the law. Right or wrong, we had a deal. And the law says, "Bust a deal and face the Wheel!"
  • Well, ain't we a pair, raggedy man? [laughs] Goodbye, soldier!

Bartertown crowd edit

  • Two men enter; one man leaves!
  • Bust a deal, face the Wheel!

Dr. Dealgood edit

  • Listen on! Listen on! This is the truth of it. Fighting leads to killing, and killing gets to warring, and that was damn near the death of us all. Look at us now, busted up and everyone talking about hard rain! But we've learned! By the dust of 'em all, Bartertown's learned. Now, when men get to fighting, it happens here, and it finishes here! Two men enter, one man leaves.
  • And now, I've got two men — two men with a gut full of fear. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dying time's here!
  • He's the ball-crasher! Death on foot! You know him, you love him! He's...BLASTER! [Crowd cheers wildly] The challenger, direct from out of the wasteland! He's bad, he's beautiful, he's crazy! It''s the Man with No Name! [Crowd jeers Max]
  • Thunderdome's simple. Get to the weapons. Use them any way you can. I know you won't break the rules. There aren't any.
  • All our lives hang by a thread. Now we got a man waiting for sentence. But ain't it the truth? You take your chances with the law. Justice is only a roll of the dice. A flip of the coin. A turn... of the Wheel.

Master edit

  • Who run Bartertown?

Savannah Nix edit

  • This you know: the years travel fast, and time after time I done the tell. But this ain't onebody's tell. It's the tell of us all, and you've got to listen it and to 'member, 'cause what you hears today you got to tell the newborn tomorrow. I's looking behind us now into history back. I sees those of us who got the luck and started the haul for home, and I 'members how it led us here and how we was heartful 'cause we seen what there once was. One look and we knewed we'd got it straight. Those what had gone before had the knowing and the doing of things beyond our reckoning — even beyond our dreaming. Time counts and keeps counting, and we knows now: finding the trick of what's been and lost ain't no easy ride, but that's our track. We got to travel it, and there ain't nobody knows where it's gonna lead. Still and all, every night we does the tell so that we 'member who we was and where we came from. But most of all we 'members the man who finded us, him that came to salvage. And we lights the city, not just for him, but for all of themm that are still out there. 'Cause we knows there'll come a night when they sees the distant light and they'll be coming home.

Dialogue edit

The Collector: People come here to trade, make a little profit, do a little business. If you have nothing to trade, you've got no business in Bartertown.
Max: An hour on the inside. That's all.
The Collector: Next!
Max: I've got skills. I can trade them.
The Collector: Sorry. The brothel's full.

The Collector: If you find him, what then?
Max: I'll ask him to return what's mine.
The Collector: Oh, and of course he'll be desperate to clear his conscience.
Max: He will be.
The Collector: You that good?
Max: Mmm-hmm.
The Collector: Perhaps you've got something to trade after all.

Auntie Entity: And what did you do before all this?
Max: I was a cop, a driver.
Auntie Entity: Well, how the world turns. One day cock of the walk, next a feather-duster.

Max: So what's the plan?
Pig Killer: Plan? There ain't no plan!

About edit

  • We were talking one day and Terry Hayes [who co-wrote the screenplays of Mad Max 2 and Beyond Thunderdome with Miller] started talking about mythology and how where people are short on knowledge, they tend to be very big on belief. In other words, they take a few fragments of knowledge and, if you take like the Aboriginal tribes of Australia, they just take simple empirical information and using those little bits of the jigsaw construct very elaborate mythological beliefs, which explain the whole universe. Terry was saying if you had a tribe of kids after the apocalypse who had only a few fragments of knowledge, [they would construct] a mythological belief as to what was before. And what would happen if Max or someone like that…
So we were talking about that, and it kicked off the idea of kids who were Lord of the Flies-type kids, and that led to this story. So it automatically had a softer heart to it. Mel Gibson often describes the character as a sort of a closet human being who denied his humanity because he thought it wasn’t conducive to survival. And we said, well this is really a story about Max coming out of the closet. And because it’s a story like that, it has a softer nature.
  • George Miller [1]

Taglines edit

  • Two men enter. One man leaves.
  • Hold out for Mad Max. This is his greatest adventure.
  • A lone warrior searching for his destiny...a tribe of lost children waiting for a a world battling to survive, they face a woman determined to rule.

Cast edit

External links edit

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