Jesse Stone: Stone Cold

2005 television film directed by Robert Harmon

Jesse Stone: Stone Cold is a 2005 film about a New England police chief investigating a series of murders with a subplot of a high school girl who gets gang raped and blackmailed, in an adaptation of Robert B. Parker's 2003 novel.

Directed by Robert Harmon. Written by John Fasano and Michael Brandman.

Jesse Stone

  • [First lines] Guys been shot, Jesse.
  • "Plink vermin." Who talks like that? People don't talk like that.
  • In all the years I've been a cop, I've never heard the police chief referred to as "skipper".
  • The tree doesn't grow very far from the apple.
  • I'm just a small town cop, mostly I give out parking tickets.


[Couple brings in their teenaged daughter into Jesse's office]
Jesse: Morning folks, I'm Chief Stone.
Margaret: My daughter was raped.
Candace: Mother!
Jesse: [To Molly just about to leave] Molly, you might want to stick around.
Chuck: Please, honey.
Margaret: She came home late last night. She tried to slip in the house. Her jeans were ripped, her hair was a mess, her lip was bleeding. I insisted on inspecting her myself. She had no underwear on and her thighs were bruised.
Jesse: Did you take her to a doctor?
Margaret: And have it all over town? Oh God, no. I mean, I cleaned her up and brought her straight to you.
Jesse: Cleaned her up? How?
Margaret: I put her in a hot bath and scrubbed her myself, like she was two years old.
Molly: Who did this to you, Candace?
Candace: I don't want to talk about it.
Margaret: You tell them, young lady.
Jesse: Candace, if we don't know who did it, it might happen again to somebody else or to you.
Margaret: [Smacks Candace's head] You tell the chief what happened right now.
Jesse: No hitting. Molly, take Candace outside.
Molly: Come with me, Candace.
Chuck: Isn't there some kind of test?
Jesse: Well, a hot bath tends to wash away that kind of evidence, but the hospital might be able to tell us-
Margaret: No, I won't take her.
Chuck: Margaret.
Margaret: This entire incident must remain confidential. Can you promise me that?
Jesse: Of course not. We don't plan to blab about it, but if there's a trial, people will find out.
Margaret: We can't discuss this any further. I want my daughter and we're going home now. [Leaves office]
[Jesse and Chuck the office]
Margaret: You know what? I've said what I want to say.
Molly: Mrs. Pennington, why don't you let us...
Margaret: I have nothing to say to you. No.
Jesse: [To Candace on couch seat] Anything you want to tell me? [Candace takes her mother's and walks away with her parents]
Molly: Poor kid, what are we going to do?
Jesse: You heard her mother. She doesn't want a scandal.
Molly: So, we're not going to do anything?
Jesse: I didn't say that. Why don't you go down to the high school?
Molly: And do what?
Jesse: Keep an eye on her. Find out who did this.
Molly: How?
Jesse: You'll think of something.

Abby: [to Jessie Stone] Larry, Curly, and Moe want to talk with you.
Comden: On behalf of the town council, Jim, and Carter, and I thought we ought to get brought up to speed on things.
Hansen: So, what's really going on?
Jesse: We have two killings. We're not sure whether it's the same weapon or weapons.
Hansen: That's all you know?
Jesse: Correct.
Hansen: You don't have any clues, nothing?
Jesse: Correct.
Burns: Well, hell.
Comden: I told you he wasn't a talker.
Hansen: So what do we tell the press?
Jesse: I like "no comment."
Comden: Well, what is it you have your officers doing over at the high school?
Hansen: Maybe you could allocate your personnel a little better.
Burns: Damn it, don't you talk?
Jesse: Only when I have something to say.
Hansen: Couldn't we get this thing resolved quicker with F.B.I. or state help?
Jesse: The F.B.I. and state police bring the national media. You won't like this town when they're through with it.
Hansen: Look, we think you should take all the resources you have and concentrate on the killings.
Jesse: I'm a cop. I've been a cop for a long time. I'm good at it. I know how to do this. You don't.
Jim: Damn it, we can fire you.
Jesse: You can. But you can't tell me what to do.

Jesse: You shoot, you always shoot to kill. It's not like in the movies. You've got about a half a second to figure out what needs to be done.
Abby: I guess you need to be that way if you're a policeman.
Jesse: Maybe I'm a policeman because I am that way.

Bo: I'm walkin' out of here.
Jesse: No, you're not.
Bo: You think you can stop me?
Jesse: Of course I can. You're all show muscle. Hell, a 120-pound woman hauled you in here in handcuffs.

Jesse: I *know* who killed them.
Healy: Do you have motive?
Jesse: No.
Healy: Witnesses?
Jesse: No.
Healy: Weapon?
Jesse: No.
Healy: Hell, I'll warm up a cell right now.

Candace: Did you ever box?
Jesse: Oh, I don't box, I fight.
Candace: What's the difference?
Jesse: Rules.

Molly: There's a dog in here.
Jesse: Witness protection.

Candace: There's a dog here. What's his name?
Jesse: What do you think his name is?
Candace: Reggie.
Jesse: You think he's looks like a Reggie?
Candace: It's what it says on his collar.
Jesse: Oh.

Jesse: How quickly can your people match the bullets to the ones from the first victim?
Healy: I'm the state homicide commander. I'm not God.
Jesse: I thought they were the same thing.
Healy: Think how disappointed *I* am. It could be a long process.
Jesse: The sooner we confirm it, the sooner we'll have the national media on us.
Healy: The process just got longer.
Jesse: [sincerely] Thanks.

Joe: You son of a bitch!
Jesse: Chief son of a bitch, to you.

Jesse: They seem to have an interest in me, and maybe I can encourage them to develop it.
Healy: So these to people, they have an interest in killing people, and now they seem to have an interest in killing you?
Jesse: Is this a great country or what?

Luther: Is this official?
Jesse: No. It's personal.

Jesse: Looks like 0.22s.
Luther: It's a murder, isn't it, Jessie?
Jesse: Probably.
Luther: Do you think the tide washed him up here?
Jesse: Uh... a body that's been in the ocean and washed up on shore doesn't look like that.
Luther: More beat up.
Jesse: Yep.
Luther: He's got some marks on his face.
Jesse: That would be the gulls.
Luther: Uh... could have lived without knowin' that.

Dr. Perkins: Anthony said on the phone we got a murder?
Jesse: Well, you're the crime scene guy, Doc, but there's two bullet holes in his chest.
Dr. Perkins: Well, that'll be a clue.

Abby: I hope you don't take this in any negative way, but you may be the simplest person I've ever met. You know what you know, and you do what you do, and you just keep doing it. Like a mule.
Jesse: Or a jackass.

Jesse: Smart criminals don't use registered guns to commit murder.
Luther: You think he's smart?
Jesse: He or she.

Reporter: You the Chief?
Jesse: I am.
Reporter: How can you aren't in uniform?
Jesse: Casual Tuesday.

Jesse: Suit. Write me up statement for the local paper about how we have this all under control.
Luther: Me?
Jesse: Yeah, you're good at that.
Luther: I am?


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