Ijeoma Umebinyuo

Nigerian poet

Ijeoma Umebinyuo is a Nigerian poet. She is considered one of Sub-Saharan Africa's best modern poets. She started writing at the age of seven and her short stories and poems have appeared in publications such as The Stockholm Review of Literature, The Rising Phoenix Review and The MacGuffin. Her TEDx talk was called "Dismantling The Culture of Silence". She has a book of poems called Questions for Ada and her work has been translated into many languages, including Turkish, Portuguese, Russian and French.

Quotes edit

  • Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just... start.
  • The day your education makes you roll your eyes at your father. The day your exposure makes you call your own mother uncivilized, the day your amazing foreign degrees make you cringe as your driver speaks pidgin english, may you never forget your grandfather was a farmer from Oyo state who never understood english.
  • Nobody warned you that the women whose feet you cut from running would give birth to daughters with wings.

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