Horst Ludwig Störmer

German physicist

Horst Ludwig Störmer (born April 6, 1949, in Frankfurt, Germany) is a German physicist who shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics with Daniel Tsui and Robert B. Laughlin, "for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations" (the fractional quantum Hall effect).

Horst Ludwig Störmer in 2006


  • In any case, one needs to accept nature's teachings.
    • The fractional quantum Hall effect, Nobel Lecture [1] (December 8, 1998)
  • Probably in most education systems in a sense we are stuck with the disciplines as we created them last, last century and before that.
    • Small Wonders – The World of Nanoscience. Honeywell-Nobel Laureate Lecture Series at Czech Technical University, Prague (October 19, 2006), [2]

  • It’s the boundaries where the excitement is and where we will be in the future.
    • Small Wonders – The World of Nanoscience. Honeywell-Nobel Laureate Lecture Series at Czech Technical University, Prague (October 19, 2006), [3]
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