Henry Schriver

American politician

Henry Schriver (191427 March 2011) was a Republican representative in the Ohio House of Representatives from 3 January 1967 to 31 December 1968, referred to as "the farmer philosopher".



Cows, Kids, and Co-ops

  • A fly is a fly, and a flower is a flower, but a hornet is an organization.
  • We like to help them with their problems, and we hope we do it right; It keeps you young to live with kiddos because with them the world is always fresh and new and bright;
  • Hoe a row until it is done, and then hoe another one.
  • The most powerful force in all history are the teachings of that man from Galilee, who taught us to live with one another, meaning something to each other.
  • Because, young folks, if you can learn to work together in Godly ways, you can settle any problem that the mind of man can raise.
  • It's a simple thing to break a string, but you cannot hope to break a rope.
  • A better job is always done when two pitch in and work as one.
  • I'd rather lose at pinochle than win at solitaire.
  • Apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze.
  • One more word before I go... this is on final tribute to you that I would like to pay — I am blessed indeed that you have passed my way.

Quotes about Schriver

  • The National Cooperative Business Association established the Cooperative Hall of Fame to honor individuals whose contributions to cooperative business have been heroic. What made Henry Schriver rise to the top was not only the sheer number of people he helped over the years, but that he himself was a co-op member.
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