Family Guy/Season 6

season of animated television series Family Guy

Family Guy: Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Family Guy is an animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for FOX in 1999. The show was canceled in 2002, but after extremely positive response to DVDs and reruns on Adult Swim, production of new episodes for FOX resumed in 2005.

Blue Harvest edit

A long time ago, but somehow in the future…
[opening text crawl for "Family Guy Episode IV: A New Hope"]
It is a time of civil war and renegade paragraphs flying through space.
There's cool space battles, and the bad guy is the good guy's dad, but you don't find that out until the next episode.
And this hot chick is really the sister of the good guy, but they don't know it, and they kiss, which is kinda messed up. I mean, what if they had done it instead of just kissed?
Angelina Jolie kissed her brother. Yeah, she did. You know it, I know it, and her dad knows it. That's why they hardly ever talk anymore. You can run away to Africa, but you can't run away from the truth.
Oh, by the way, here's a tip for you: when this is over, go out and rent the movie Gia. She's way naked in it, and makes out with another chick and everything. It's awesome. I stumbled across it late at night on HBO after I had just got back from hockey, and I almost fainted. But I digress...
Princess Leia was coming back from buying space groceries when this happened...

[Peter finishes telling the story]
Peter: The end!
[the lights come back on and the Griffins cheer]
Meg: Wow, Dad, thanks for keeping us entertained! That was a great story!
Chris: Yeah, but didn't Robot Chicken already do this three months ago?
Peter: Well, I wouldn't worry about it, Chris. I don't think people are even aware of that show's existence.
Chris: I don't know, Dad. I think a decent number of people watch it.
Peter: Oh, really? Define decent.
Chris: I think it's the highest rated show on Cartoon Network, and the Star Wars episode doubled that audience.
Peter: Well, yeah, but double ten people is like, twenty people, so what kind of numbers are we talking about here? Who knows?
Chris: Don't be glib about this stuff, Dad. It's a legitimate show, and they beat you to the punch.
Peter: Uh, I don't know about that, Chris. I mean, to me a legitimate show is on ABC, CBS, NBC, you know, one of the REAL networks.
Chris: [chuckles] I don't know about that, Dad.
Peter: And besides, what's up with that 15-minute run time? What is that? It's like 15 minutes of guys playing with "Star Wars" dolls. Oh, yay, yaaay! Tune me in for that.
Chris: Oh, so you do know the show?
Peter: I read part of a review online. I'm not a fan.
Chris: [angrily] You know, Dad, you're a real jerk!
[after Chris leaves, Peter sings the Star Wars theme, with the screen cutting to black afterwards]

Movin' Out (Brian's Song) edit

Lois: So, Meg, any luck finding another job?
Meg: No. Hardly anybody's hiring right now. The only job I could find was for a phone sex line, and I sucked at it.
[cut to Meg on the couch, on the phone]
Meg: What am I wearing? Um...a hat, and...glasses? What kind of underwear? Um...I don't know...big underwear, I guess. I'm sorry, what? Oh. What would I do to you? Well, um... I guess, maybe we could get pizza, and we could watch House?
[cut to Peter in the bedroom, on the phone, revealing he's the caller]
Peter: All right, I am totally flaccid, but thank you anyway, ma'am. I appreciate your time. [hangs up]

Announcer: This Tuesday on Lifetime, Valerie Bertinelli stars in a Lifetime Original movie.
Bertinelli: You know, Doctor, you said you were gonna cure my cancer, but all you did was rape me. I'm starting to think I don't have cancer at all.
Doctor: Well, you're right...about the rape part. But I'm sorry, you still do have cancer.
[Bertinelli then sobs]
Announcer: Valerie Bertinelli in: Men Are Terrible And Will Hurt You Because This Is Lifetime.

Believe It or Not, Joe's Walking on Air edit

Bonnie: Oh my God, that was so much fun!
Lois: You know, boys, we just might make this our regular spot!
[Peter grabs Joe's gun, cocks it, then shoots himself in the mouth. The scene cuts to a close-up of Peter's face]
Joe: Peter? Peter?
Peter: Oh, sorry, Joe. I, uh, just had one of my Scrubs fantasy moments.
Quagmire: It's the best show you're not watching!
Cleveland: I hate shows that cut away from the story for some bullcrap.
[cutaway to Hitler juggling on a unicycle]

[Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble are attending the Quahog Men's Club]
Barney: Boy, great party, huh Fred?
Fred: Yeah. You know, Barn, I figured I oughta tell you this. I was walkin' by your house the other day, and, uh, I poked my head in the window, and Betty was undressin'. Uh, she saw me there, but she didn't stop.
Barney: What?
Fred: She didn't stop. I mean, she saw me there, lookin' at her, and kept undressin'.
Barney: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you serious?
Fred: Yeah. I got an e-rock-tion.

100th Episode Celebration edit

MacFarlane: You know, people often ask me why there are so many pop culture references on the show. Well, I'll tell you. Family Guy likes to hold a mirror up to society and say "Society, you're ugly and we don't like a lot of what you're doing". Here's just a small sampling of our distaste.

MacFarlane: Well, we hope you've enjoyed this look back at the first 100 episodes of Family Guy. [holding up a glass] And here's the next 100. [a little bit agitated] And hopefully we won't get cancelled for two and a half fucking years in the middle again! [smiling] Good night, America!

Stewie Kills Lois edit

Stewie: Hello, Mother.
Lois: Stewie? What the hell are you... How did you get here?
Stewie: Oh, there's a very simple answer to that. You drove me here, Lois. With all the indignities I've been forced to suffer day in and day out under your matriarchal tyranny.
Lois: What are you...Wha-what are you doing with a gun?
Stewie: Something I should have done a very long time ago... [shoots rapidly at Lois until she falls into the water with blood on her chest] I did it! I killed her! She's dead! [laughs maniacally until he trips and wails] Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! [stops] Oh, yeah, that's right.

Judge: Mr. Foreman, how say you?
Mr. Foreman: We find Peter Griffin guilty of murder in the first degree.
Peter: Oh, no!
Bruce: Oh, no!
Brian: Oh, no!
Meg: Oh, no!
Chris: Oh, no!
[the Kool-Aid Man bursts into the courtroom again]
Kool-Aid-Man: OH, YEAH! [everyone stares at him, and he slowly backs out of the room]
Judge: Okay, can I ask everyone to please stop saying "Oh, no!" in this courtroom? 'Cause the fuckin' Kool-Aid Guy's gonna keep showin' up! Thank you.

Lois Kills Stewie edit

Stewie: I'll be as big as I should have been on American Idol.
[cutaway to Stewie trying to sing a song in front of the American Idol judges]
Stewie: I don't mind not knowing
What I'm heading for
You can take me to the skies
It's like being lost in He-a-van
When I'm lost in your eyes
Simon Cowell: Stewie, what the hell was that?
Stewie: [nervously] That was, uh, "Lost in Your Eyes" by Debbie Gibson.
Simon Cowell: One of the worst I've ever heard.
Stewie: ...Okay.
Simon Cowell: Stewie, you shouldn't even actually be alive, you sniveling little creep. I hate you so much, I want to shoot you in your face.
Stewie: ...Alright.
Paula Abdul: Honey, I like you, but you're just not right for this competition.
Randy Jackson: Yo, dawg, I gotta tell you for me, man. That was not even half good, dude. You can't sing. What're you doin', Stewie?
Stewie: [he exits the room in tears] I don't even care! They don't know what they's talkin' 'bout! Next time they hear about me, they - they - they's gonna be like, "We was wrong 'bout Stewie"! 'Cause, 'cause I's gonna be huge! I - I's gonna be bigger than every one of all y'alls!

Stewie: You recall my complaining about Lois and the fat man not taking me with them?
Brian: Yeah?
Stewie: Yes, well, you said I didn't have it in me to kill Lois, so I was just running a simulation to find out exactly how killing her and taking over the world would play out for me.
Brian: Yeah? How'd that go?
Stewie: Not well, Brian. Not well. I suppose I'm not ready to kill Lois or take over the world...yet.
Brian: So, what you're saying is that what you experienced in the simulation didn't really happen, or even matter?
Stewie: Yes, that's correct.
Brian: So, it was sorta like a dream?
Stewie: No, it was a simulation.
Brian: Yes, but, theoretically, if someone watched the events of that simulation from start to finish, only to find out that none of it really happened, I mean... you don't think, that would, j-- be just like a giant middle finger to them?
Stewie: Well, hopefully, they would have enjoyed the ride.
Brian: I don't know, man. I think you'd piss a lot of people off that way. [He leaves]
Stewie: Well, at least it didn't end like The Sopranos, where it just cut to black in mid-sen -[the screen goes black like he described]

Padre de Familia edit

Brian: Peter, why did you have my acupuncturist arrested?
Peter: Because he was an illegal immigrant and a threat to our national security!
Brian: He was an 85 year old Korean Buddhist!
Peter: Or was he supreme leader of al-Queda? I guess we'll find out if he ever gets a trial.
Brian: Peter, America was founded by immigrants. Everyone here is the descendant of an immigrant. They're a vital part of our society.
Peter: They're part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor! Take 'em away!

Peter: Well, I guess everything's back to normal.
McDonald: [sings] Well, I guess everything's back to normal!
Peter: Oh, man. Not this guy again!
McDonald: [sings] Oh, man, not this guy again!
[Peter farts]
McDonald: [sings] Fart!

Peter's Daughter edit

[during Meg and Michael's date, Michael notices a familiar face]
Michael: What the hell?
Meg: What's wrong?
Michael: Meg, I'm not sure, but I think your dad is sitting at that table over there.
Meg: What? Where?
Michael: Well, I can't tell if it's him. I think he's wearing some kinda disguise.
[Meg turns around and notices Peter in a Chinese disguise]
Meg: Oh, my God! Dad!
[she and Michael approach Peter]
Meg: What do you think you're doing?!
Peter: [Chinese accent] Peter? Who Peter?
Meg: I didn't say Peter. I said Dad!
Peter: [normally] Oh.
Meg: Have you been spying on us the entire time we've been dating?!
Peter: Meg, it's only because I wanna make sure this guy treats you right and doesn't try anything funny!
Michael: Meg, this is more than I can deal with. If your father is this opposed to our relationship, I don't see how it can work out.
Meg: But, Michael.
Michael: I'm sorry, Meg. I promise I won't forget you.
[he leaves]
Peter: See? Look, Meg. He just walked out on ya. He's a bad man, like Jodie Foster.

Lois: Look, Why don't you just talk to him? Ya might find out he's not so bad.
Peter: Alright, Lois, but I know what my gut tells me. [turns and faces the camera] And right now, it's telling me I have...
Peter: But, I'll suck it up and talk to Michael. Even though I've also got...
Deep Voice: DIARRHEA!

McStroke edit

[Stewie, as Zac Sawyer, has won the respect of the popular kids]
Stewie: Excellent. I'm a bigger hit with the kids than Will Smith and his nice, clean rap.
[cut to Will Smith recording a rap song]
Smith: Whoooo! Ha-ha! I respect women when I'm on a date,
I take 'em to the park,
Or maybe a museum,
And I only try to kiss 'em if they're ready!
Whoo-hoo! What-what, what! A-what, I say, what-what?!
Help out your mom and dad by gettin' a job
So you can help pay for school supplies!
A-whoo-hoo! Say "Hoooo!"
Wipe your shoes on the mat when you come in the house.
Someone just clean that floor! Whoo-hoo! Say what-what! Ha-ha!

[Peter crashes his car into a tree, while a canoe passes by]
Man in a canoe: Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!
Peter: Stop mocking me!

Back to the Woods edit

Woods: Not so fast, pal. Those are my clothes.
Peter: Oh, come on!
Joe: You heard him, fella. Take 'em off. Right down to the poop sack.
[Peter takes his clothes off and hands them to Woods; he and Woods give Joe a confused look]
Joe: What? You don't all wear a poop sack? [angrily] DAMN IT, BONNIE! YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT THE POOP SACK!

[Peter appears as James Woods on The Late Show with David Letterman]
Letterman: Wait a minute. You're not James Woods.
Peter: Oh, I believe I am. Driver's license, Social Security card, American Express.
Woods: [at home with the Griffins] What the hell is he doing?
Letterman: Wow, I guess you are James Woods. So, uh, now, let me understand this: What are you here to promote, James?
Peter: Well, Dave, I have a hilarious new movie comin' out on HBO next month. It's all about 9/11. The movie's called September 11th, 2000-Fun.
[the studio audience gasps]
Woods: No, no, no, no, no!
Letterman: James, that sounds unbelievably offensive to Americans.
Peter: Well, you haven't heard what the movie's about. I play a window washer who has just finished washing the last window of the World Trade Center. And then I turn around to get off the scaffold, and what do you think I see coming? A plane! And I go, "Come on"! You know, it's real, real old-style comedy, you know, it's like two pies in the face, and one in a field in Pennsylvania.
Letterman: James, I don't wanna hear anymore about this.
Peter: And the voice of the plane is David Spade.
Woods: What?! I would never work with David Spade! That... dwarf! That... skinny chickenshit!

Play it Again, Brian edit

TV: We now return to "Damn Nature, You Scary!" on BET.
Announcer: [as a cheetah runs] Damn, that muthafucka' run fast! You see that shit?! That thing come by my house, I kill it! [the cheetah sees a meerkat, catches it, and eats it] That lil' rat-lookin' thing just got ate! Damn, nature! You scary!

Herbert: All right, children, your mammy and pappy asked me to look after you for the next couple days, so I wanna lay down a few ground rules: no cussin', clean ya plates, and only a half-hour of radio and then it's off to bed.
Chris: Well, that sucks.
Herbert: And don't you mouth off to me, or I'm gonna slap you right in ya penis.

The Former Life of Brian edit

[Brian is trying to learn magic to impress a woman]
Stewie: Listen, I'll be your assistant, and we'll put on a whole big show!
Brian: Really?
Stewie: Yeah, we'll do all the great tricks. You can even split me in half.
Brian: What?
Stewie: Saw me in half.

Lois: I don't know, Brian. Raising a child is a very rewarding experience.
Peter: You know what else is rewarding, Lois? Shutting your vag.
Lois: What?
Peter: What?

Long John Peter edit

[Peter comes into the bar with the parrot on his shoulder]
Peter: Hey, guys, what's going on?
Joe: No way!
Quagmire: Cool!
Cleveland: That thing don't bite, do it?
Peter: Guys, say hello to Adrian Beakey.
Parrot: Pick a lane, bitch!
Peter: Hey, isn't that funny? He heard me say that on the way over in the car.
Parrot: I gotta pee! Where's that Snapple bottle?
[Peter laughs]
Parrot: I had a gay experience at camp!
Peter: [uncomfortable] Uh, yeah, I had the radio on in the car and they were talking about some crazy stuff... So what are you-what are you guys drinkin'?

[Chris is depressed because Anna left him]
Lois: Chris, honey, what's wrong?
Chris: Anna took a dump on me.
Lois: What?!
Chris: Yeah, she broke up with me.
Lois: Oh-ho, she dumped you. That's what you meant to say.
Chris: What's the difference?
Lois: Well, when two people love each other very much, sometimes they show it by- y- never mind.

External links edit

Wikipedia has an article about: