Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931 film)

1931 film by Rouben Mamoulian

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a 1931 American film about a doctor who unleashes his evil side with a serum.

Directed by Rouben Mamoulian. Written by Samuel Hoffenstein and Percy Heath, based on the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Put yourself in her place! The dreaded night when her lover became a madman!  (taglines)

Dialogue edit

Dr. Lanyon: Perhaps you're forgetting, you're engaged to Muriel.
Dr. Jekyll: Forgotten it? Can a man dying of thirst forget water? And do you know what would happen to that thirst if it were to be denied water?
Dr. Lanyon: If I understand you correctly, you sound almost indecent.
Dr. Jekyll: What names you give things!

Dr. Lanyon: You're a rebel, and see what it has done for you. You're in the power of this monster that you have created.
Dr. Jekyll: I'll never take that drug again!
Dr. Lanyon: Yes, but you told me you became that monster tonight not of your own accord. It will happen again.
Dr. Jekyll: It never will. I'm sure of it. I'll conquer it!
Dr. Lanyon: Too late. You cannot conquer it. It has conquered you!

Taglines edit

  • Put yourself in her place! The dreaded night when her lover became a madman!

Cast edit

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